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I went downstairs in the morning and didn't see Jade there. I miss her and I don't have a clue of what she's doing and why she isn't sleeping home lately. She doesn't know anything that happened these days and it kinda sucks.

I was pretty hungry after a whole night awake so I grabbed a bowl and my favorite cereal, the ones that look like mini-cookies and poured some of it, pouring some milk right after.

There was no sign of Luke, the house was pretty silent so I assume I'm home alone. 

These last few days seemed like a roller coaster, everything is happening so fast. One day Jade is throwing me a party and I started to flirt with a cutie and almost like two days after I was kissing him and almost fucking him? - Where was my head? - The next day I humiliate him in front of his sister and some guy I live with and in the next moment I'm kissing that guy? In little more than a week I kissed two different guys... the worst part is that I wasn't even drunk when I did it. Is this what I want to do with my life? I don't know... I don't have a fucking clue what I am doing with my life.

I tried to call Jade and one more time... she didn't answer it. I'm starting to get worried about her but maybe she is coming home today.

I went upstairs to grab a denim skirt and a browny pink top to match. Suddenly I hear a knock coming from my door but it was so quiet that I almost didn't listen to it.

-Can I come in? -A hoarse voice made its way from the other side of the door.

-Sure. - I said while I finished dressing up.

A tall figure started to enter my room but stopped after closing the door behind him. 

-I just wanted to say sorry for what I did yesterday. I should have never kissed you. -Luke says.

-Oh, you're sorry for it but you aren't sorry for the way you talked to me before living my room? -I didn't even look at him in the eyes. I'm just doing my make up while talking to him. I want him to know that I don't care about what he was saying.

-I talked to you normally. I just said I wasn't doing anything with you. You don't want to and neither do I. As you said, you don't know anything about me and I don't know anything about you so it's better to keep it that way, princess. -I could tell he was smirking and once again he was being rude and annoying at the same time and I need to tell him off about that.

-I really don't understand you and maybe I don't want to at this moment. One second you're being funny and everything, the next you're being annoying as hell and one second after you're being rude to me? What the hell is your problem, dude? You need some kind of psychiatrist. - Luke just laughs. I don't want to look at him but I need to so I stopped what I was doing to look at him.

-I don't have a problem. As you said... You just don't know me! -Luke says, this time he was less confident about what he was saying, he talked more quietly, almost like he was whispering. I can't understand him and I can't understand me either because part of me wants to get to know him but part of me want to punch him so hard in the middle of that cocky face. I think the second part is the reasonable one.

-Can you leave, Luke? I'm trying to get ready. -Luke smiles and sits in my bed the moment I said it. I can see him now from the mirror I'm using and he is looking at me non-stop what is making me uncomfortable. 

-Where are you going, princess

-It's none of your business, Luke.

-Oh, what if it is? I want to go with you. -Luke says and I look at him in the eyes. His eyes never crossed mine like this. I didn't look away but neither did he. 

His stare was so deep and I could see that something torments him underneath them. Something hurt him before and I don't think it was a girl, it just doesn't seem the same pain that Ashton felt but something bad happened to make him the way it is and I just know that by looking at those beautiful blue eyes. It's not fair... I want to know what happened to him know but I can't ask him that because I know that he will never trust me to tell that. How can I know so much about him just looking carefully into his eyes? 

-Why do.. do you want to go with me? -I said nervously and with shame because I realized what I was doing. My eyes quickly look away so I don't get lost in his eyes again and I tried to continue my make up.

-I don't want to be alone in this house. It's so big and when I'm alone in here I'm almost sure I can hear footsteps and the house talking. -He said, he seemed so serious but quickly he bursts into a laugh. -I'm kidding, but I just don't feel like being home all day. 

-Can't you go to your friends' house? Or you don't have anyone? - I asked making fun of him.

-I have Calum but he is out of town at the moment. -I can't believe he is serious.

-So you finally decided to tell me something about you? Do you have friends? Oh, I'm so sorry for them, sweetie!

-Why are you sorry? -He asked confused about what I just said.

-Probably your mom just paid them to be your friends! - I said, laughing just after.

-My mom didn't have to pay them because they were the ones to come to me first! -He said confidently and I can feel my chair rotate toward him. - Are you making fun of me, princess? We could have fun in a way we could both enjoy! -He is now up again but his torso is inclined in a way his face is centimeters away from mine. Please, not this again.

-Look, you can come with me but I'm really not in the mood to have fun with you! -I said rotating my chair again to face the mirror. Luke almost didn't move but he was now smiling victoriously.

-One day you'll be, princess, and in that day I'm going to be ready to have some fun with you. -He whispered in my hear. He kissed my cheek softly what made me blush. I was watching him do all this from the mirror in my front. He walked to the door and said -I'm waiting for you downstairs. We are going to have lunch together, little one. 

When I left California I left thinking that I was leaving behind the whole drama too but it seems like wherever I go, drama follows me.


I know this is so short but I was so excited to publish Storm again! Next week I'll write more and the chapters will be much longer! Just wait with me!

I really hope you enjoyed it and I really hope that you stick around with me again! 

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