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We were waiting for Jade and Michael to come to pick us up at the airport and apparently Calum was coming too because he had "something important" to tell Luke. 

The day wasn't that big of a deal like it used to be before this week's away. It was kinda rainy and the whole floor was wet. The sky was dark and it threatened to be a bigger deal than it already was. 

Suddenly we see a car pull up right in front of us so we just assumed it was Michael's car and fortunately, it was. I didn't feel like putting my stuff in the trunk of a stranger's car.

-I missed you guys so much. This week drove me crazy. -Jade says as soon she steps out of the vehicle to hug me.

-I bet you enjoyed being in that home all by yourself for the first time in months. -Luke joked and she looked at him kinda sad.

-Actually, it was scary. I heard noises when I was alone but most of the time Michael was there with me and Lauren too! 

-I haven't seen her in so long! -I whispered and Calum gets out of the car.

-I have a huge thing to tell you guys. -He says excitedly. I throw the boy a little smile and he just pushes us into the car so he can tell us.-So... Luke... I kinda asked Michael and Ashton for help with this but do you remember when we recorded ourselves singing that song that we wrote? -He talks fast and I looked at both of them confused.

-Better Man? 

-YES! So... I recorded myself playing some bass and Michael recorded himself playing guitar and singing some details and so did Ashton but he played drums... So... I mixed it all together and sent it to this radio channel and they say that they were going to play it this afternoon! I'm so sorry for only telling you this now but I know that you wouldn't mind it and we can be famous after this! They said that our song was incredible! -A huge smile was printed on all of our faces. Luke, Calum, and Michael all look at each other 

-Are you serious? Please tell me you're not joking. You know how much I've wanted this to happen! -Luke still couldn't believe what was happening to him and honestly, no one did.

I know that he wanted this for the longest time and I couldn't help but be so happy for him. This is his dream come true and his chance to rewrite his life for the better. He's an amazing singer, the best voice I've ever heard and I'm sure everyone's going to love this song. 

Michael tuns in that radio channel that Calum was talking about and we just stood there for a while waiting for Better Man to come in but it was taking so long that we decided it was best for us to drive home while listening to the radio since it was still a pretty long drive.

No one talked for a while, we were just too excited to even talk. I couldn't help but look at Luke with a huge and proud smile on my face.

"And now we're going to listen to a new song from the new boyband in town. They still don't have a name but Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton presented us with this amazing song. I better it's going to be a HIT. Let's hear Better Man now. " We all heard with attention what the man was saying and as soon as the music started playing everyone screamed from the top of our lungs.

We shouldn't have done it. 

The screams must have scared Michael and the next thing we know, he doesn't have control of the car. We were now definitely going faster than 200km/h and if we hit anything, the car is going to capsize... and like I was predicting, that happened. I was so dizzy. I could hear the music playing in the background but it was nothing more than the whisper. My eyes go to Luke, his face was paler than usual and I could see the fear in his face. In front of us is a huge ravine and I know Michael isn't going to be able to stop in time and neither is going the car to suddenly stop by itself. We are heading at it too fast.

-I'm so sorry. -Someone whispered. I just couldn't figure out who. My eyes were closed with fear. My body was getting colder and colder and I could feel something dripping down my face. Am I going to die?


Hiii! I'm so sorry for this chapter being so short but I just want to leave you in some suspense for the next chapter. I'm sorryyyy! 

What do you guys think is going to happen??

I really hope you are enjoying this fanfic! These are the last few chapters. Only one or two left!

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Thank you all for being here, supporting me for the last year!

Also thank you so much for the 10K reads. How many reads can we get until the end of this fanfic??

Love you all so so much! Byeeeee <3 <3

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