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Luke drove away from the place he once called "home". It wasn't home anymore. That place was now filled with empty and soulless monsters. Filled with darkness and evilness.
The boy I was with was completely shattered in pieces by the thought that in a way, he lost his parents, he lost the people that were supposed to love him the most.

The drive was short but it seemed ages with that silence in the car.
We got out of the car as soon as we arrived at a spot in the middle of nowhere but it had a view over the entire city. It seemed like a park, it was very broad and flat, filled with the most beautiful flowers and trees.
I sat there looking at the horizon while Luke did something behind me.
I could see him pick a small blue flower before walking towards me.

-This is you. It's the only one I saw that was that small and the only one blue. It's unique, just like you. -He said. -And this is me, a big yellow flower, just like many others but I know you like sunflowers and they're yellow so I imagined you'd like those too. You're special you know? -He said. I smiled at him and I lay the yellow flower behind my ear.

He lays the same blanket of our first "date" in the ground and I sat in the top of it with the blond always by my side.

-There are at least seven girls just like me and you could have any of them because they would fall to your feet as soon as they saw you. Do you want to know why am I special? Because I was the one you choose. It could have been any of the other seven girls but I was unique enough for you to pick me. -I said while looking at him deeply in those beautiful ocean eyes. -And never say you're "like many others" Luke. I never saw any boy that could even compare to you, physically or mentally.

I place the blue flower behind his ear and he laughs.

-This is for you. That way you know I'm only yours. -I said before taking him into a deep kiss.

Our tongues danced together and embraced each other like they're one another's like they were made to be always in sync. Secretly, I've always dreamed about a moment like this I just never thought it would be with Luke.
but now? I didn't want it to be with anyone else. 
It took me so long to realize it but it didn't take that long to make me fall in love with him.
We kissed and we talked. We were so good at that place and it was truly beautiful. Every moment we share here I'm going to remember forever and I'm sure of it.

-Bella, I've wanted to say this to you but I never found the right moment or the right words to tell you this. After what you did for me in that house, I'm more sure than ever that I want to say this. -he stops for a while looking at me.- Be mine, Bella. I want to be with you more than ever and I never thought I could feel this way about someone. I want you to be my girlfriend, obviously, if you also want it. -His words echoed shaky inside my head and way too good to be true. 

-I want it... I want it so bad! 

He smiled and laid his head back, facing now the starts, the future and everything that waits for us. 
The dark blue sky held so many secrets but he now possesses the best and most beautiful and luxurious one. He's now an eyewitness of our true love and of everything we did this night. 
The night rushed by and we both just wished it would never have an end but the night always does end just like the day but after the day it's night again and we have so many nights still to share and spend together, this is only the start of something that can be much bigger. It has so much space and time to increase.
Luke didn't want to go away and neither did I but we have a 2-hour long drive again back to Sydney.

-Before we go, I need to stop somewhere here first. I really hope you don't mind. -He said. He drove only 5 minutes before stopping again, in front of a graveyard.

-This is where she rests now. -The words were filled with sadness and I immediately knew he was talking about his sister.

He guided me between the graves until we stopped in front of the most beautiful (in some kind of sad but right way). It was filled with yellow and pink flowers, just like the ones covering the whole surroundings of the house of the Hemmings'. It was so well-treated and it was obviously treated with love. Love that Luke is never going to experience because of what happened to the one underneath the ground. 
In the stone, I could see a picture of a very young girl, with so much life in front of her. She smiled as a child should smile, that innocent and pure smile I never had growing up. I was never allowed to have one in consequence of everything that my father did. 
She was so beautiful. I could see that her long blonde hair shined and reflected every light that dared to cross his way. Her blue eyes are just like Luke's but they were also brighter. She had so much life with her and it's really unfortunate what happened. The baby blue and pink dress she was wearing the photo made her almost look like a doll.
Side to the photo her name was written with some beautiful lettering. "Elizabeth (Ellie) Rose Hemmings" "eternal longing of her parents Liz and Andrew Hemmings and brothers Ben and Jack Hemmings". Luke's name wasn't there. Almost like he wasn't part of the family or didn't deserve to be part of it. He really didn't deserve, he deserved a family that loved him.

-This is her. My little Ellie Rose. -Tears threatened to run down his face.

-She was so beautiful, Luke. She was just like you. -I said and he looks at me. 

-I never had that beautiful smile she had. I never had that much life inside me. -I push him into a hug trying to calm him down. -I took her everything and now I'm paying for it, I'm getting what I deserve! -he couldn't hold it anymore and collapsed in my arms, crying in complete pain.

-You shouldn't be so harsh on yourself. It wasn't your fault and you know it, Luke. It really wasn't. You were seven, you couldn't do anything. 

-I know but my parents blame me, my whole family blames me except Jack, he was with me at the time but he ran before my parents appeared. I just don't want him to get through the same I went. I don't deserve it. -His voice was raucous and weak at the same time. Being here and seeing her it's only making it worst.

-That wasn't your fault, Luke. I know it and I'll never leave you as they did. You are not alone! -He throws me a weak smile but that was enough for me. -We should go. 

-Just let me do something first. -He said while reaching for my ear. The flower was still there. He picks it up and places it close to the photo of his little girl. -As I said to you, this flower represents me right? If it does, she's always gonna remember me and I hope she remembers for the good reasons. I hope she doesn't blame me too.  

-She doesn't blame you. -I whispered. -You're a good brother, Luke.

We got out of there and Luke was calmer know. He was in peace with himself after leaving there the golden flower. That simple gesture meant something greater and bigger. It was a remarkable way to say goodbye and turn off the wicked guilty feeling he had. 
My blue-eyed boy was now happier, lighter and brighter, I could see it just from looking at him. He found peace and I just hope his parents can find the same inside their souls. 

After that we drove back to Sydney, always laughing and singing, there was no more nervousness or tension between us. What I feared the most when we were going to his hometown ended up happening but now I don't fear anything, I have nothing to fear and the world is waiting for me and for Luke. He's free now and so am I. From now on we're going to have the best times of our lives. 


I know this is a little short but I'm kinda with a writer block. I'm going to try to write a bigger one as soon as possible but for now, I leave you with this one.

I sincerely hope you enjoy it and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and if you can share it in any way, please. I'll be forever thankful for that!

Ly all <3 Stay safe!

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now