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I spent all day with my mom. Took her shopping and was her date for a wonderful dinner.
I haven't seen her so happy in ages and knowing that as soon as I take that flight she is going to be the same, depressed and always in her pajamas, breaks my heart.

-Promise to call me every time you need. Don't worry about the different hours or anything, just call me. -I sounded worried and I was.

-Don't worry about me, I'll be alright! - she smiles confidently and continues - And you... My little angel, be careful please, have the time of your life, be happy and have fun but don't make anything you'll regret in the future! I want this to be the best summer of your life!

-And it'll be, mom... I'm gonna miss you so much! -I take her into a hug

-I'll miss you too darling. - she kisses the top of my head.

We walked into our home and Cameron was with a face of shock.

-I don't believe you got it... - he sounded so surprised!

-What did I get?

-Mom got out of the house because of you! Finally! -he runs around the house like it was some kind of miracle, making me and our mom laugh. -And she is so happy! -he almost started crying and runs to envolve our mom in a hug.

-Thank you. To both of you. For being such amazing kids! -she says pushing me into their hug -I love you both so much.

As soon as I noticed we were all crying but not of sadness. It was tears of happiness because, in a long time, everything was alright, we were all happy!

-I miss him so much... I miss David so fucking much. - I said, almost in a whisper and I was not sure if I already said it or only thought it.

-We miss him too. -my mother says confirming me that I really said that.

We avoided talking about how much we missed him since his funeral, we all suffered in silence because we didn't want to cause more hurt.

After a while talking to my sibling and mother and watching TV I went to my room and finish packing all my stuff. This is it, this is officially my last night here for a very long time.

I took a quick shower and went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, I need to wake up at 3 A.M to be at the airport by 5 A.M.

My alarm starts ringing waking me up. This is the day I leave this shitty city. I get up starting to get ready for the big day.
I pick up grey sweatpants and a black hoodie for the flight because I need to be comfortable for a 20-hour flight. Almost a day in a fucking airplane just isn't for me but it's for the best.
I'm gonna miss Manhattan Beach, California a little, just a little. Although it's a pretty shitty city, is the city I grew up in and I have so many memories here. Until now, I never left this city and this is my first time really leaving the country.

I grab all my things and leave them by the front door. I called my mom so she could drop me off at the airport and went to Cameron's room.

-I know you're awake. -I say and he sits in his bed.

-I just can't believe you're gonna leave me here. It's gonna be so lonely without you around.

-Come here! -I say and hugged him -No it won't, you're gonna have the best summer ever! Go to every party you can, be with your friends, do everything you can! Enjoy this summer like it's gonna be the last because when you look back you want to remember this time of your life!

-I don't know Bella, I need to take care of mom!

-Mom knows how to take care of herself and you know that! And... She promised me that she's going to enjoy this summer too and get out more than usual. We all need to take a break from all the drama that follows us and this is the right time to do that!

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now