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I wake up Luke and he immediately smiles while still having his eyes half-closed. 

-Good morning, princess. -He said while sitting down in the bed.

-Good morning. -I said depositing a quick kiss on his lips. -We need to get ready. -I said and Luke nods.

I took a quick shower before getting into the room again. In a few hours, we're going to be in Luke's hometown and I'm going to meet his parents. Everything could happen there and I don't even know if they're going to like me! And if they ask me when Luke asked me to be his girlfriend, what am I going to say? I'm getting more and more nervous every second but Luke seems calmer today.

We were finally ready to get on the road. Luke was driving so I just threw a smile to Luke before getting on the passengers' seat. The drive was going to be long and that was just another point closer to disaster. I know I'm going to start overthinking just as I overthought in my flight to Sydney.
It seems so long ago and it actually was just about 1 month and a half ago. Wow... 1 month and a half. I said that I was going to travel the world and now here I am... Stuck in Sydney but I'm not complaining. I'm here for a good reason and now I'm considering going to university here. I know my mom doesn't care if I'm in America or here, she just wants me to be happy and I couldn't be happier.
My life completely changed in only 1 month and a half and it's terrifying. If so much can change that fast for the better, can't it change that rapidly for the worst too?
The first half-hour of the drive was almost completely silent. I could only hear the music of the playlist that Luke did especially for the trip, something that we both like so we could sing together but for now, it wasn't working.

-What are you thinking about? Is everything okay? -Luke finally decided to break the ice.

-I'm starting to get more nervous every second that flies by. I don't know if I'm ready, Luke. -I confessed to him and he puts his hand on my thigh.

-Me too. My hands are even getting sweaty for that but we can't always think the worst. -He said and I smiled. He always seems to find the right thing to say and that's one of the things that I like most about him. He always knows how to make me feel good. -Can we sing? I bet it will calm us both down! -Luke asked and I nodded.

I started searching for something in the playlist until I came across my favorite song of all time and I don't even know how Luke could know that.

"Darling, darling, oh, turn the lights back on now
Watching, watching, as the credits all roll down
Crying, crying, you know we're playing to a full house, house"

I look at him surprised and I know he noticed it because he starts laughing.

-That song played at the last party and you were dancing like never before. You were singing it as nothing else mattered at that moment. You also kissed me during that song. That was the song that was playing when you said you needed me. -Luke was so happy when he was telling me that and I found that so sweet.

-This is my favorite song you know?

-This is our song know. This was the song that pretty much changed everything. -Luke said and I smiled.

-I agree. -I said and started singing again.

" We used to have it all, but now's our curtain call
So hold for the applause, oh
And wave out to the crowd, and take our final bow
Oh, it's our time to go, but at least we stole the show
At least we stole the show
At least we stole the show
At least we stole the show
At least we stole the show

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now