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Luke and I watched another movie and it was now pretty late. After that scene with the remote, we didn't talk much. We only talked about the movie and we were now on opposite sides of the sofa.

Luke confuses me so much, in on moment he's being annoying like hell, in the next one he's playing with me and in the next one, he's quiet, not moving at all. I don't know what to think about him because I don't know which Luke is the real Luke. Maybe the real Luke is the annoying one? Or maybe it is the quiet one? I don't know and not knowing this only makes me think about it even more. 

I don't know anything about Luke, yet, being around him doesn't seem so bad at all. I had a great time with him while having dinner and watching movies but it all changed when we almost kissed. I don't know why I didn't move too, I don't know him but I almost let him kiss me. 

He's so mysterious in some ways that I even don't know how to explain it. I know I never asked him but why he never tells anything about him? 

-Luke? -I asked, looking now at him.

-Yes, princess? -He says and I roll my eyes, making him laugh. Here it was, the annoying Luke again. 

-Tell me more about you. I only know your name! -I said and now it was his time to roll eyes.

-What do you want to now? I'm Luke, I'm 21 years old and I've been sober for two weeks now. -He says and throws a laud laugh just after that. -I'm just kidding, I was trying to recreate a session for Alcoholics Anonymous but you definitely didn't understand the reference. -I nod. I understood but I was taking this serious and Luke wasn't. -I have two older brothers. I live here with you and I don't have a fucking clue what do you want to know more about me. -His body was now facing mine and we completely forgot about the movie we were watching. 

-Tell me things about you. Things that you passed through. Moments of your life that you'll never forget. If you want to I start. -He nods and I start. -I live in California, I watched the sunset every single day there. I had two brothers but one died three years ago, his name was David. -I tried not to cry. -My dad left me, my mom, and my brother, when I was eleven years old. I had to sleep in the same room as my younger brother for a while because my mom had to rent a room so we could survive. My mom worked two shifts and it was pretty rare for me to see her. -Now that I think about this, this was a terrible idea. Why I'm talking to Luke about this kind of stuff? He didn't ask about anything and he's still a stranger to me. 

-I didn't know you had such a difficult life. -he whispers and pushes me closer to him. His hand was now rubbing my cheek.

-Why you were being so annoying just a few hours ago and now you're being so nice? I don't understand, Luke! I want to get to know you but you don't let me do that! I don't know if I hate you or not because you're always annoying me but the next day you're almost kissing me!

-I didn't almost kiss you! I would never do that. I'm actually seeing someone. - the blue-eyed boy says. He turns around just to face the TV again.

-See? This is what I mean! I didn't know that because you didn't tell me! You're like a book and I don't know how to read you! -I sounded very hurt and for some reason, I think I am.

I'm not sure. I felt some kind of butterflies growing inside of me, I felt like I couldn't talk for a second and I feel a knot forming in my throat. Is this what it feels being hurt by someone you don't know? Or am I just sick?
I really hope I'm just sick...

Luke didn't say a word after that, was he hurt too by what I said? Because I was only telling the truth and people always said to me to always tell the truth because it can hurt but it doesn't hurt as much as a lie... And after all I have been through, I know that's completely true.
How can a person I completely don't know annoy me so much as Luke does?

-Look, maybe It's better if we don't talk about this again. If you don't want me to know you? That's completely okay but don't expect to know me if I'm not able to know you. When you want that, you can come to talk to me about whatever you want. - I said and Luke nodded. He didn't look at me the whole time. -I'm going to sleep. Sleep tight, tallboy.

I tried to make a joke at the end to make the air less heavy but it didn't do much, I just sounded completely stupid because Luke didn't understand that I was just joking with him like he always does when he calls me princess or little one.

I went upstairs and I could tell that Luke was looking at his hands now.
Did I just do something wrong?

I texted Jade to know where she was and if she was going to take long but she didn't respond so I decided to take a long shower.

I took off my pajamas that I spent the whole day with and entered the bathtub. The water is still warming but pretty soon the hot water is going to be against my skin... And that pretty soon was now. The hot water touched my skin and I tried to think about anything else but Luke but for some weird reason, I couldn't take him off of my head. 


I know this part is super short but I'm kind of busy with some work. The mext chapter is still about Luke and I hope you all are liking it! 

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Ly all <3

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