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Ashton was sitting in the edge of the pool with his jeans fold to his knees and his feet were swinging back and forward in the water.

-Here. -I said and he looks at me with a smile on his face. 

-Thank you, Bella.

-What were you thinking about? -I said sitting by his side.

-Nothing in special. Just drunk thoughts. -He laughs.

-Oh really? No shit! We're drunk as heck. -He nodded. His hand that was previously in his hair messing it more, goes to my leg. I don't move a muscle. Maybe that's how drunk me works.

He noticed what he did and quickly moves his hand to his hair again. 

-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Fuck, I hate being drunk. -he sights and I smile to comfort him.

-It's okay. Probably we're not going to remember anything of this night by the morning. -he giggles a little.

-I hope I do. Do you know? I really want to get to know you better. You seem so cool and I can see you like so many things I like! 

-Like what? -I asked wanting to know more about this boy.

-I don't know right now, but you dress really nicely. -I throw a loud laugh.

-You dress nicely too. I love Joy Division. And you look so good with bandanas. 

-Do you think so?

-Yeah, of course. You're so cute, shit. -I said when he smiled at me. His dimples were deeper than the ocean and I could see his eyes glowing. 

-We're not gonna remember anything so... fuck this. -he said and just after that, his lips were on mine. My whole body froze and I didn't do anything... until someone pushed me into the pool.

-What the actual fuck? -I yelled as soon as I came to the top of the water. Ashton was completely frozen in place and I could hear Jade's laugh. -I hate you J. 

-Oh, you should have seen his face. It was priceless. He probably thought that you were running away from that kiss. -she was in tears.

-Hi Jade. -Ash says making us both look at him. He was red and I could tell he was pretty embarrassed. 

-I'm so sorry Ashton. I really had to do it. -she was still laughing and my eyes rolled.

I make my way inside with Ashton following me. I was soaked from head to toes and my make-up was ruined. 

-I'm sorry about that. -I say while we both enter my room. 

-I should be the one apologizing. I was the one that kissed you. I shouldn't have done that. 

-It's okay. I just wasn't expecting that. We don't know anything about each other and I'm not looking for anything like that right now. -I try to comfort him and make this sound the best way possible. -But we could be friends, really good friends. -I say sitting by his side on my bed. 

My clothes were still soaked and I really need to change them but I don't want him to go thinking about the wrong things. 

-Yeah... Maybe we could. -he looks at his phone. -Shit, I need to go right now. I hope I see you again soon. -He says and I nodded. 

-Bye Ash.

-Bye Bella! See you around. Welcome to the beautiful city of Sydney. 

As soon as he leaves my room I changed to a more simple look picking a tight black skirt and a black body. I took all my make-up off. I don't want this to be the end of the night so I quickly ran downstairs looking for Jade.

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now