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I and Luke talked for hours. Time just flew. I missed him so much and I didn't even realize it until now. He's already a big part of my life and I am in Sydney for about two months now.
When we realize what time it was we needed to get ready so we didn't arrive late at the dinner Jade made us go.

I took a quick shower putting on the blue satin dress I wore at my first party in Sydney. Talking about parties made me realize that I've been needing one lately.
With the dress, I put on also my white and black Nike air force 1. I didn't want to look too fancy for dinner with my best friend and her boyfriend... And Luke.

I did a quick makeup look putting on only mascara and some nude-pink eyeshadow.
My hair was already straightened so I didn't want to burn it anymore.

I went downstairs quickly just do find Luke looking to me. His eyes were wide open and he was smirking.

-You look stunning. That's the dress that you were wearing when we first met, princess. It doesn't have a stain so I guess I'm forgiven? -He looks at me and I laugh.

-Thank you, you're looking like trash.

Luke was wearing the same as always, his black ripped jeans but this time he was wearing a red t-shirt that looked killer on him. He was wearing all-black vans to complete the whole look. I could tell he was starting to grow some beard that looked good on him.

-Thank you! I think that you meant that as a compliment 'cause you're trash yourself. -I giggled and Luke smiles at me. -Can we go?

-We should.

I was holding into his arm for some reason but he didn't seem to mind. He even opened the car door for me.

When we arrived at the restaurant it was almost empty. It was 8 pm but for some reason, people don't like to eat out on a Wednesday.
Jade was sitting on a table with a boy with bleached-hair in front of her. They looked so good together.

-Hey everybody! -I greet as soon as I came close enough to the table. -You must be Michael. I've heard Jade talk so much about you! I'm Bella! -I took the boy into a hug before sitting on Jade's side.

Luke also greeted the boy and sat on his side. They seemed to already know each other because they started talking like they were friends for years so I took advantage of that time to tell Jade about what Luke said this afternoon. I couldn't process it all on my own so Jade helping me was much better. They were talking so loud that they didn't even listen to us talking.

-He likes you but he just doesn't know it yet. I'm friends with Luke for about two years and I never saw him acting like this around a girl. If I can remember correctly, without counting with me, I never saw him around a girl if he wasn't going to fuck her in the same night and ditching her in the morning so... Yeah, he likes you. -Jade said and for some reason that made me throw a big smile.

-Do you think so? We made a deal that if any of us discover what we are feeling, we need to tell each other right away but I'm kinda scared of actually discovering. -I looked at him but it doesn't seem to notice it. He was too busy talking about football.

-I'm sure of it. Give him some time. -she took me into a tight hug. - I'm so sorry not being around as much. Please call me every time you need it. -She begged and I nod.

A waiter took our orders and soon we were all eating the same dish... Pizza. Because that isn't anything better to eat at an Italian restaurant, right?
After the whole dinner thing, me and Luke left the cupid do his work on the couple.
In the ride home, we were both singing along to Riptide by Vance Joy. One of my favorite music of all time.

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