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Apparently, Luke and I are a thing now. It's been two whole weeks since the time we confessed our feelings but we're nothing serious yet. We hang out all the time and it's been fantastic, we watch movies together and we kinda share my bedroom now. Still, Luke hasn't asked anything yet so I guess, for now, we aren't labeled yet and for the first time, I'm not worried about that because now I know he really likes me and I don't want to rush him. We haven't said the three words yet because I'm really waiting for the right time and I think Luke's too. 

I also met one of Luke's best friends, Calum and he's living here for a few days until he gets an apartment with his girlfriend, Iris. I haven't had an opportunity to talk to him yet. However, he seems a good guy. 

I know he and Luke sing together sometimes because Luke showed me a video where he appears in the back but I never heard him sing before. They wrote a song together and they called it Better Man and I swear I love listening to Luke singing it, it has surpassing lyrics too and the melody it's even pleasanter.

I haven't talked much to my mother or my brother and I know they're busy too.
Mom has a new boyfriend and he seems to make her life brighter, she sends me photographs of them both and she has a smile that I never saw before in her face! They look the best couple ever, together. He is kind to her and if it continues like this I know they're going to marry. My mom always said that she wanted to be happy in a marriage and it seems like the man wants the same. She deserves it after everything my dad made us all go through.
Cameron is almost the same but now he occupies his time having fun instead of killing himself studying. It's summer break anyway so he doesn't need to study. He posts photos of him at every party, going to the beach with his friends and enjoying his summer to the fullest. I told him that he needed that for a change and he happily followed my advice.

Jade spends her time between Michael's house and ours but we don't worry about that. She also has time for us and when she cans she takes me out for lunch or dinner. It's our thing now.
Michael seems to be making her happy and that's all I could ask him to do. I want to see my best friend succeed and have the happiest life because she deserves it too. Her parents didn't pay much attention to her and she went through some dark and rough times. Luckily, she is now fully recovered from that, only some scars are left on her body but she doesn't hide them. She isn't afraid to show them and that's what I like more in her. She is strong, one of the strongest persons I know.

In these past two weeks, I saw Ashton a couple of times. He wanted to apologize for what he did and it really seemed like he was completely sorry and regretful. Also, it seems like he is doing pretty okay on his own. He learned the lesson and he promised me that he would never do that again to someone. He caused enough pain to girls and he tries to compensate that now. He is kind to people now and I can see from far away that he really changed. I couldn't be more proud of him. I'm also proud of me, Lauren and Luke because if it wasn't for us, he would still probably be the same and I could have ended way worse.

Luke is going to see his family for a couple of days and he wants me to come with him. I don't know if I should but for some reason, I want to. If he is going to introduce me to his family, it's a good sign, right?

-Come on, come with me. I don't want to drive 2 hours alone and I really want my parents to meet you. Since I told them about you they have been talking non-stop for me to take you along when I come. -Luke begged while messing with my hair. We were watching a series on Netflix called Elite and we were loving it. It's about a girl that was murdered in school and the whole first season is we trying to discover who killed her and some background to what happened.

-If you really want me to go with you I think I should be rewarded. -I asked while looking up just to see my beautiful boy.

-How can I reward you? You didn't do anything to deserve it. -He said looking at me confused.

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