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I pick up my phone and bought the first plane ticket that led me to the city where my girl lives. I need to make something big because she deserves the best, even more after what I did to her that day. It's been like three days since the last time I looked into her beautiful bright eyes that light up my world and I couldn't miss them more.

I made my way to my room and picked everything. I don't know how long I'm gonna be there. I can stay only one day because she could dump me there or I can stay more time... Only fate knows what's coming to me.

While I was packing my stuff I was also listening to some music that only made my eyes puffier. Every music made me want to cry even more and I just noticed that this was Bella's playlist and not mine.

I put everything into the trunk of my car and made my way to the airport. I need to assure that I catch this fly or I don't know if she will ever talk to me again. It's been so long already and I don't want to spend more time without the light brown hair girl by my side.

We haven't talked on the phone and if this wasn't a surprise, I would probably tell her my plan but I need to do this alone, I need to do this as a surprise so she knows how much I love her and I have everything planned.
I brought my guitar because for what I'm going to do, I need it. I just hope everything goes as planned.

After a while here I am. Standing in a plane that led me to little hope and broken dreams. Everything in my mind is a Storm right now. I just don't know what to think anymore.
Maybe she's going to laugh in my face or maybe she doesn't want me back after what I did. Maybe she doesn't even care or maybe she's going to love what I did. The possibilities are endless!

The plane took off and I can feel my whole body shake from nervousness. I just can't believe I'm actually doing this.


I wake up with a warning that we are arriving in California and my stomach makes a sign that I slept for almost a whole day. I eat something before leaving the plane.

I lay my foot on the ground. My first time on American ground. I just can't believe I'm actually here and I'm actually about to make this because of her. This huge knot grows in my throat and I need to stop myself from crying. I miss her and everything is on the table now. I don't know how what I am about to do is going to be. My mind races between all the possible scenarios.

I call her brother so he can pick me up. I talked to Cameron while in Australia and he agreed with picking me up at the airport. He didn't say a word and that meant a lot to me.

It's already night here, almost 11 pm but I wasn't tired at all. I slept the whole flight and that was just what I needed since I haven't slept at all since she's gone.
The cold air cut my skin like sharp knives but it felt good. Once again, this made me feel something that I haven't felt since I don't have her with me. I know it's only been a few days but it seems like it has been months since my arms were wrapped around her.

Cameron pulls up and I hug him, thanking him right after for what he's doing for me. This is the first time I'm talking to Bella's brother and I'm just sad that we are meeting in these conditions.

-How's Bella? -I ask, breaking the silence.

-Not good. She only leaves her room to eat something and usually, she's the one that wants us all together at the table, but lately, she's avoiding us. -Cameron talks, always with his eyes on the road.

-I'm sorry. -I whispered. -This is all just a misunderstanding.

-Don't be. You don't need to be sorry to me. You need to be sorry for her. You need to apologize to her. -He says. I can tell he doesn't like me a lot but I can't understand why. I hurt his sister and I'm glad that at least he didn't punch me or hate me for that.

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now