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× Bella's POV

I ran down the stairs while the tears flooded down my face. Never in a million years, I would think that one day Luke was going to sing me a song while asking me to forgive him.
My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying but that didn't matter now. All that I want to do is hug Luke and tell him that I forgive him. I know that he didn't mean to do and say those sorts of things.

I walk outside, my legs barely holding my weight because of how little I've eaten and rested in the last few days. My eyes met his body and at that moment I felt myself freeze. I couldn't do anything. He seemed so vulnerable and so weak.

I sit in front of him and pushed his hands out of his eyes so I could see them. His beautiful blue eyes were now dark and red, tears rolled down his face, making red spots appear here and there. When his eyes met mine I felt him fall into my arms. He was holding me like this was going to be the last time he saw me, but I really hope it isn't. I hold him back, hoping that we can stay in each other's arms forever.

-I missed you so much, Bella. -Luke finally breaks the silence between us. It wasn't a bad silence and I felt good with it but I needed to hear his voice. I missed it so much.

-I missed you too.

-I was so dumb. I should've never let you go. It was the dumbest mistake of my life and I promise you that I'll never make that mistake again. I can't lose you. This past few days were miserable without you. -He says never taking his arms off me. He just held me tighter and tighter every time he spoke.

-I shouldn't have come without talking to you either. I just can't believe you're actually here. It seems so unreal and I'm afraid that I finally fell asleep and this might be just a dream. -More tears fell down my face, soaking Luke's grey hoodie.

-It seems like it but I'm sure it isn't. I have you with me and hugging you couldn't feel more real to me. -Luke says. I finally take the courage to let him go, looking into his beautiful eyes. I help him get off the ground and led him inside. It was night time already so the wind was pretty freezing.

My mom looks at us with tears in her eyes, probably because of the romantic gesture Luke had just done. On another occasion, I would probably call it a cliché and tell him to stop being so romantic because I usually don't like that kind of stuff but today I didn't mind it. He did this in such a genuine way and I know why he did it. I used to complain that Luke didn't sing that much to me and I love to hear him sing. One day I wrote a part of a song and sang it to him on the beach, even though I don't sing that well. On that same day, we talked about our plans for the future while laying in the sand. However, it seems like we didn't say all the things that we were planning since our fight was initially because I hid that I needed to return to America for University from Luke.

At least I know now that I'm not going to university anymore this year. I need to stay for Luke, I need to stay for us and for me.

We go to my room without talking to anyone and we sit in my old bed.

-I'm not asking to come back with me to Sydney, you only go if you want to but if you don't go just let me stay here with you. I don't have anyone else besides you. -Luke whispers never looking at me.

-That's not true at all. You have Jade, Calum, you have Ashton and Jack there.

-I can't believe you said I have Ashton! -Luke laughed and I smile with the vision I just had.

-He changed. -I said. Luke's eyes where the bright blue I love. They were shining and I could see my reflection in them.

-But I don't want them. I want you. -He smiled back at me and I couldn't help but pushing him into a hug again. However, I didn't want a hug, I want a kiss. I want to kiss him because I miss his lips. I miss his touch and I miss talking to him. These last few days were like hell to me. I just wanted to see him smile and I couldn't. I just wanted to hear his voice and I couldn't.

This moment with him seems like a dream but almost like in a bad way. I can't kiss him because I don't know if I can, I don't know if he's going to let me kiss him.

But almost like he heard my prayers, his hand goes to the back of my head. Pushing me into a kiss. Our lips touched and for a moment I felt like the rest of the world disappeared. Everything stopped. It was just the two of us against the world. It's like our lips were meant to be always together. Our tongues danced like they were just one. I felt Luke smile against my lips and I couldn't help but smile either.

Finally, after a whole week... Everything was good. Everything was great. I felt great and I couldn't ask for anything more. I just needed Luke by my side and I finally have him here, with me.

Hii! Thank you so much for the 4K here! I love you all so much and when I saw I was fucking crying like a Lil bitch! It's amazing how you guys kept with my writing! It's fucking mind-blowing and I just need to thank you for that!
I know this chapter is super short but I wanted to update!

I really hope you enjoyed it and if you did please vote and comment and if you can please share with your friends! It's really important to me!!

If you have Twitter follow me @5sauuceofsummer and please vote on the poles I made in the Albums competition! It's just something I did for fun!

Ly all <3

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