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After just a few hours I was on a plane to California. I texted my little brother and he was going to pick me up since he already has his driving license.
I was going to make a surprise to my mom since I never told her I was going back home so soon.

The hardest part is yet to come, when she haves the opportunity, she's going to ask so many things about Sydney, especially about Luke since Cameron told her, last week, that we were dating.
My heart broke again and the tears rolled down my face for the fifth time on the flight and I was only one hour in. I still had almost a day to go.

How could I ruin everything in a matter of seconds? A single word destroyed what I spent months trying to build with Luke. A fucking single word.
Because of that same word I needed to left everything and everyone behind.
Sydney was my home now, I couldn't deny it. I had Jade, Michael, Lauren and even Ashton there... I had Luke there... But I don't have any of that anymore.

Jade was heartbroken when I left, she considered me as her best friend and she's my best friend too but I couldn't stay in the same house as Luke and I couldn't watch him leave for God knows where. He needs to stay there more than what I needed and he also deserves it more than me. He is friends with Jade for a bunch of years and I was the one who invaded that friendship.

Before Jade took me to the airport, I went a last time to the beach remembering everything I spent there this summer. My first date with Luke was there and I couldn't deny it, my heart sank a little more when the pictures of that day played inside my brain. He told me that he also wanted me here, technically this was our place. I felt this huge knot on my stomach and I let my knees fall into the cold sand of the night, the cold breeze cutting my skin was nothing compared to the ache I felt inside my heart. I screamed for it to stop and for somebody to help me but the beach was completely empty, not even a single soul could ease my pain.
I never thought that I would feel like this one day about someone. I never thought that this would happen to me but it did and it hurts like hell.

The old lady sitting next to me on the plane was talking about her life and saying that she felt the same way when her husband died last year. I felt bad for her since my pain probably was nothing compared to the pain she felt. She had spent her whole life with him a lose him without saying goodbye. However, she wasn't crying while telling me their story, she was with this huge smile that I envied. She was a strong woman and I know I'll never be that way, I cry when someone talks bad to me!

I hugged her and she told me once again that this pain is going to lighten up with time, but if I really loved Luke, it'll never be gone. She also whispered that if we were meant to be together, he's going to come back into my life in the future, maybe not this year or in the next, but when I least expect it, he's going to appear. Hearing that made me think that maybe we weren't meant to be. If he let me go this easily, we weren't meant to be.

After a while, I fell asleep on the plane, drained out of energy because of all the crying and when I knew, I was just five minutes from landing in my sweet old California.
I missed here, I missed my mom and my brother, I missed my room and I missed the sunsets here. I missed my usual spot on the beach and the songs I used to sing alone on my roof at night.
I missed a lot of things here but I know I'm also going to miss a lot of things in Sydney and although my home is here in California, Sydney has a special spot in my heart.

I had this dream on the plane that made me think that maybe I shouldn't go to university this year. I want to enjoy more of my young adult years because I'm never getting them back and in the future, I'm gonna regret not enjoying them now. I just wish I realized this earlier since I would probably never had that fight with Luke if I did.

I got out of the plane as soon as we got told we could. Running to the arms of my brother when I saw him was just what I needed. I missed having this hugs... I missed his advice and telling him everything about my life.
When I got into the car I completely collapsed again. I was in California and sure, I missed here, but where I really wanted to be was in Sydney, laying beside Luke or into his arms...

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now