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I sat on the couch while Luke was bringing some snacks to the center table. 

I miss California so much. I lived there my whole life and now I'm here, in Sydney. I live in an enormous house with Jade and Luke and I only know Luke for a couple of days. Somehow this seems so fake, it all seems like a dream but I know it's real.

Cameron texts me sometimes to tell me what's going on in my hometown and this morning he told me that my mother is so happy. He never saw her like this and I'm sad that I'm not there to see her that way. She deserves the whole world and I need to make sure I get into a good university so I can get a good job to help her with everything she needs. 

My whole life I lived with my mom in the small house that my dad left her in. For a couple of years, I slept in the same room as Cameron because my mother would rent a room so we can get some money from there but it was never enough. My mother worked so hard to get us what we needed and I'm so grateful for that! 

She was my mother and my father and that was way better than having a father that is a piece of shit like mine is... or was. To be honest, I never cared about him so I don't know if he's still alive, if he has another family or if he's a drug addict. To me? To me, my father is fucking death. 

Luke wakes me from my thoughts waving his hand in front of my face. 

-Are you sleeping with your eyes open? -He laughs and I shake my head. 

-I was just thinking about some things. I miss California! -I said. I honestly can't believe I'm talking like this with Luke. He's going to be an ass like always.

-I wish I could go to California, it seems so better than Sydney. -He whispers and I shake my head again.

-It really isn't. In California, nobody cares about anyone. Here in Sydney, people appear to be so helpful and sweet. It's like California and Sydney are two different worlds. -He looks at me and starts choosing some movies on the TV. 

-You only say that because you didn't live here your entire life as I did. But why do you miss it? -He pushes me closer to him. His legs occupied the whole sofa and my body was in some sort of ball, between his legs, facing the TV. I can feel his eyes looking at me. 

-I don't know. I think it's because of my mother and my brother. -I sighted and Luke involved his arms around me. A couple of days ago I would laugh if Jade told me that today Luke was going to hug me only because I miss my hometown. Why he's not being annoying like always?

-Do you still want to watch a horror movie? I was going to pick a romance just to annoy you but I think you should pick whatever you want. -Luke says and I only realized something now. He knows so many things about me and I don't know anything about him. I don't know if he has any brothers or sisters... Anything at all. Some part of me wants to ask him but another part of me doesn't want that, fearing that he could get mad, not that I care about that. 

-I told you that you can pick what you want. -I look at him and he smirks again. 

-Really? Then, I already know what I'm going to choose! -I could see pride written all over his face. 

Some movie named Love appeared on the screen and at first, I thought this was some kind of romance like Luke told me. It wasn't, right in the beginning, sex scenes and other stuff of the same genre started to appear. It was disgusting watching this with Luke beside me. I was horrified with that and I could hear the shrill laugh that Luke was making. 

-You should see your face right now. I wish I had recorded it! It was priceless.- Luke says, trying to catch his breath and sometimes laughing again. 

-You were being so nice the whole day, I should have known that there was something behind that. -I roll my eyes. I was not mad but here it was... the annoying Luke! -Do we really need to watch the whole thing? It's pretty awkward and it's like two hours and a half long. -I complain with Luke and he nods. 

-It has a pretty interesting story if you pay attention! -I could tell he was lying. 

I was not in the mood for watching some kind of porn movie -at least it seems like one- and Luke was not willing to choose another one so I waited for him to be distracted. When I felt like it was the right moment I take the remote from his hands and I turn the TV off making him upset. 

-What are you doing? This is the best part of the movie, give me the remote! -He yells and I laugh. 

I lay on the opposite side of the couch and he tries to reach it when I put my arm back. Now if he wants the remote he needs to stand up. He tries to reach it from where he is but it was unsuccessful so he stands up on the couch. I look up and I could see Luke smirking at me. I try to run away with the remote but I was now stuck. Luke sat in my legs and I could feel them getting numb with his weight. 

-You're hurting me! -I whispered and giggled after that. 

Luke throws his body over mine to get the remote. His head was inches away from mine. Our lips were almost touching and I could feel his warm breath. I don't know how to feel about this, it seems so wrong and so right at the same time. He has a smile printed on his face. His forehead touches mine and he smiles even more. I could feel my cheeks getting redder and redder. 

Suddenly, something grabs my arm making me throw a squeal. 

-Got it! -he whispered. His lips were barely touching mine but I could feel them. This was definitely not a kiss but it felt good somehow. -You really thought that I would let you keep it? -He smirks, his head didn't move at all. I nod and I take the remote from his hands, hiding it between the couch and my butt. 

-Now you can't get it. -I smile victoriously and he giggles.

Why do I feel like this is so wrong when it feels so good? Why can't he always be like this? This day confused me so much and I really don't know what to think by now...


So I decided that I should post another part today so I hope you like it! If you liked it, vote, comment and share please!

And follow me so you can know when I'm going to update this story!

If you have a fanfic that you would like that I shoutout, please DM so we can talk about it! I would be more than happy to exchange some shoutouts ahahah.

Ly all <3

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now