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"Sorry, that took so long." Izuku said sitting across from Bakugou again

"It's fine." Katsuki shrugged

"Here's your receipt sir." The Kouhii said giving Izuku a sharp look

"Thanks." Katsuki told her as she quickly walked off

Izuku frowned looking at Bakugou's side of the booth.
"Receipt for what? You didn't get anything." He stated

"Paid your tab. You drank a lot of shit today." Katsuki answered looking at the receipt then crumbling it up and stuffing it in his jacket pocket

"You didn't have to." Izuku said narrowing his eyes

"It's no big deal." Katsuki rolled his eyes with another shrug

"No. I mean you really didn't have to." Izuku said sharper

"Just trying to help." Katsuki frowned meeting Deku's eyes

"I didn't ask for your help!" Izuku stood up from his seat and headed towards the door

Katsuki stood up chasing after him.
"Wait- Where're you going? You were just fine until you went to the bathroom, what happened in there?" He asked meeting Deku at the door

"I'm going back to my hotel room to get some sleep. In the words of an certain angry Pro Hero, "leave me alone." Stop following me!" Izuku told Bakugou storming out of the coffee shop only to have the man hot on his trail

"Deku, hold on!" Katsuki shouted catching up with him again as the other tried to speed walk away

Izuku abruptly turned around clenching his fist to his sides.
"No Kacchan! I'm homeless, I'm running out of money, I'm tired, I haven't showered in a week, I'm disgusting, and I really don't have time to deal with you! Thank you for paying my tab, but just- just go away." He said tears filling his eyes

All the stress was getting to him and he couldn't hold in his tears back anymore. Katsuki's father was calm and very comforting, but unfortunately Katsuki just never inherited that trait. The blonde is a harsh man and is never good at dealing with upset emotions. Katsuki's not the type to give you a hug or a pat on the back when you cry. He's the type to tell you to nut up or shuddup and crying's for babies. He's a lot like his mother in that aspect. But he also knew when to say something like that and when not to. Deku didn't need those words of wisdom at the moment.

He sighed, stepping back a few steps to give Deku his space.
"Fine, but can I at least offer you a place to stay?" Katsuki asked looking to the side

Izuku wiped his eyes.
"Kacchan, I can't stay with you." He said wetly

He was a complete mess in the middle of the street as the sun was setting.

Katsuki frowned.
"Of course you can. All you gotta do is say yes." He shrugged shoving his hands into his pockets hoping that would make Deku feel less intimidated

Katsuki knew he was tall, buff, and scary looking so he tried his best not to make people feel scared, but his anger usually got the best of him. Izuku was still sniffling and trying to gather himself from his public outburst in front of the number one Hero.

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