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"Fuck." Katsuki muttered cracking his neck and rolling his shoulder as he stepped into his home

Izuku was sitting on the couch watching Tv. when Bakugou walked in the kitchen. Once he noticed the few bandages and scrapes Bakugou had he was by his side immediately.

"Kacchan, what happened?" Izuku asked full of concern

Katsuki waved his hand like he was trying to shoo the other as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
"I'm fine, just got thrown into a wall... and another."

Izuku's eyes filled with worry.
"Are you okay? do we need to go to the hospital?" He asked looking over Bakugou's body

It was kind of strange to Katsuki. His friends and parents worried about him, but he never came home to someone looking so worried for him. Honestly, it was kind of nice, but he can't get used to it.

Katsuki shook his head walking to the couch.
"I'm good. Already had Recovery Girl fix me up." He answered sitting down

He took a sip of his water and leaning his head back.

Izuku sat next to him eyeing him carefully.
"Her quirk uses a lot of the bodies energy, shouldn't you be asleep right now?"

Katsuki with closed eyes had a small grin at Izuku's blatant display of his hero knowledge.
"I didn't say all the way. That's why my shoulder still hurts, idiot." He answered

"Then why don't you go lay down anyway. Go get some rest." Izuku insisted placing a hand on Bakugou shoulder

Katsuki didn't tense like he usually does when people touch him. Only a few people have the ability to touch him without making him feel uncomfortable. Izuku's touch felt comfortable, caring, natural even.

"No, IcyHot's coming over." Katsuki sighed, opening his eyes

"Shouchan is coming over? Why?" Izuku asked

Katsuki said up rolling his shoulder again.
"He wanted to see you... to make sure you're okay, I guess." He shrugged

"That's nice of him." Izuku smiled softly

"So how do you know that Half 'N' Half bastard?" Katsuki asked Izuku

Izuku eyes lit up.
"We grew up in the same town. I didn't see him much outside of school." He faltered

"His father wasn't the best and his mother wasn't mentally stable back then either." Izuku added

"Fucking tell me about it. That idiot's got mommy and daddy issues out the ass." Katsuki scoffed

"Have you met them?" Izuku rose his eyebrows

Katsuki nodded
"I worked at the Endeavor agency on an internship with Half 'N' Half back in highschool. Shit was boring and awkward. Kinda felt like something was missing now that I think about it." He furrowed his brows

"Like what was missing?" Izuku asked

"Who knows." Katsuki rolled his eyebrows, getting up with a grimace

"Kacchan, sit down." Izuku patted the spot next to him

Katsuki shook his head.
"I got shit to do." He tried to walk off only making Izuku stand up and grab his hand

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