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~Poorly edited, but thank you so much for letting me take a break! I hope you all had a good holiday. Tell me what you got 🎁 if you want.~

~-Real World-~

"Been doing okay especially in my new house, it took a while but it really feels like home. It helps that Deku or the other idiots are over often. It makes it feel like home and what not. Aizawa just called me a few minutes ago, yes I'm writing this in the morning shut up, and asked me if I would watch Eri. I asked Why didn't he call Deku and he said he did but couldn't get a hold of him. The moron probably let it die or lost it. I'm gonna leave and go find his ass, since I agreed to watch Eri he can help me cause I know he ain't workin' today. The bosses made us take a damn day off so might as well make Deku work anyway." Sincerely, Me

"Oh! That's the day we baby sat Eri together. Kacchan still treats her like a little kid." Izuku giggled shaking his head

That was a really fun day and seeing Katsuki interact with a teenage girl is always hilarious. They either hit on him, avoided him, or admired him. Eri is one of the ones that admires the blonde. She loves the Katsuki like he's her favorite uncle. Heck she likes the tall hero more than Izuku- not that the green hero was jealous. No, it definitely wasn't that Izuku was jealous, but Eri says a lot of the same things he used to say to Katsuki when they were child and well the blonde takes it a lot better from her than he did from Izuku back then.


Izuku woke up to the a loud banging from outside his bedroom door and he still drenched in sleep he dragged himself out of bed. He stumbled down the hallway towards the living room and kitchen area as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The green hero heard someone grumbling about something as he entered the open area and he immediately activated One For All just incase. Once he realizes it was just Katsuki he deactivated it and frowned.

"Kacchan, what are you doing here?" He asking making the blonde turn around

"Mornin' Nerd, well afternoon technically." Katsuki rolled his eyes

"It's the afternoon?" Izuku frowned and narrowed his eyes like he was trying to see a clock on Katsuki's head

The blonde nodded.
"Yeah and I'm making you lunch since you've been sleepin' all day apparently." He said placing a hand on his hip

"Sorry, I had a rough night." Izuku said as he walked closer to the kitchen

"With who?" Katsuki rose a blonde eyebrow

"Huh?" Izuku yawned

"You said you had a rough night, who were you with? Shit are they still here?" Katsuki glanced to the hallway

"I don't understand..." Izuku rubbed his eye as he sat at the bar

Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"Deku, i'm asking who you fucked around with last night. Damn, you're so stupid." He said shaking his head as he turned back to what he was doing

Izuku's eyes went wide.
"O- oh." He blushed

"No! I- I didn't sleep that with anyone!" Izuku shook his own head frantically waving his hands

"I just had a hard time sleeping because of my run of the um nightmares." He added

"Oh, you alright?" Katsuki asked looking over his shoulder

Izuku nodded.
"Yeah they've just been pretty bad this week since it's getting close to the anniversary of mom's passing then All Mights." He said glancing to the said

"M sorry Izuku." Katsuki said furrowing his brows

Izuku gave a small smile.
"It's okay Kacchan, i'll be fine."

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