Home Alone.

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After eating the "welcome home!" cake and talking some more, Katsuki actually made sure to talk to everyone, Eijirou stood up along with Mina and cleared his throat. His fiancé took his hand as a show of support while everyone looked towards them.

The redhead glanced towards Katsuki and grinned a little.
"Not to make this about us Kats, but since you're out of the hospital and feeling better we figured it was okay to go ahead with the wedding." He announced

The room started to roar with excited chatter about the wedding that was now back on. Katsuki stood up from his spot next to Izuku and walked towards the nearly married couple. Mina only smiled at the blonde when she saw him approaching.

Eijirou looked at his best friends sheepishly.
"You're not mad are you bro?" He asked

Katsuki shook his head.
"Of course I ain't mad you idiot." He told him as he willingly, of his own volition, pulled the redhead into a hug

"But I told you, you don't have to wait on me." Katsuki said when he pulled away then grabbed Mina to hug her

She of course reciprocated as she looped her soft pink arms around his neck.
"It wouldn't be the same without you Katsuki. We can't have our wedding without our best friend." Mina sniffled a little as they pulled away

"Yeah, can't really have a wedding without my best man either." Eijirou grinned

Katsuki looked between them. Over the years he's watched them fall in love, watched them grow together so easily. At times He was jealous at how easy it was for them to be together. It wasn't an easy thing for him to admit but it was the truth. They had no baggage really, their relationship beforehand they started dating helped them along, and others encouraged them. Katsuki was one of them that did so. The blonde could see a lot of similarities between them and his and Izuku's relationship. Except for a while Katsuki and the smaller weren't dating.

They had too much baggage, the blonde thought for a long time so he settled with Shindou who in turn mistreated and cheated on him then Yume, who just betrayed him by selling information about him, walked into his life just as fast as he walked out. Katsuki just wanted what they had and he tried hard, but couldn't make it work. Looking at Mina and Eijirou now though, Katsuki was just glad it was so easy for them. He was happy and proud that they love each other so much. Katsuki hopes he can give that much love to Izuku and that made him grin a little at the challenge that no one gave him.

"You two are so Lucky I Did Most of the work For your wedding." He told them

Eijirou chuckled, showing off his sharky teeth as Mina flung herself at the taller blonde, hugging him tight.
"You're such an ass!" She cried

Katsuki chuckled too and hugged her back.
"When did you become such a crybaby?"

"It's the hormones." Mina sniffled

Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"You're barely pregnant Mina." He said and she cried more

"You said my actual name, you meanie! Now I do have a reason to cry!" Mina told him as he patted her back to calm how down while shaking his head because he's said her name before many times

Izuku almost got up with Katsuki when he did, but after watching the whole scene play out from his seat he's glad he wasn't there to interrupt. Eijirou was Katsuki's first real friend at Yuuei. Sure Izuku was his childhood friend, but the other kids that hung out with them were just lackeys. They didn't really care about Katsuki. They just liked him for his flashy and powerful quirk. Eijirou though, he had the blonde's back no matter what. He had Izuku's too though because that's just the kind of guy he is. Eijirou was the only one that wanted to save Katsuki at first when he was taken by the league of villains during their training camp in their first year.

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