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~-Real World-~

"Finally home." Izuku exhaled as he sat his bag and the cage down at then genken

He shut the door then squatted down opened Dyna's cage to let her out. The blonde cat walked out of the cage looking high and mighty as always which also reminded Izuku of Katsuki. Dyna nuzzled Izuku's leg as he took his red bulky shoes off.

"Welcome home Dyna." He said as he picked her up and walked to the couch to sit

"Sorry I was gone for so long." The taller said as he sat her on his lap to which she laid down and curled up

"Meow?" She asked

"I missed you while I was gone, did you miss me?" He asked his cat

"Meow." The blonde answered

Izuku gave a small light laugh that faded into a sigh and started petting the cat.
"While I was gone, Kacchan got hurt. He's okay, but just asleep. I'm worried about him." He said looking at his other favorite ash blonde

"Meow." Dyna said as her tail swayed back and forth contently

"I'm sure you don't care. You and Kacchan never got along." Izuku let out another laugh as his gaze drifted around his apartment until it landed on his bar counter

There was a tall, thin necked, green vase sitting on his counter near the sink. The petals were a bright burnt orange with black or very dark brown spots, the stem was thin and very green signaling the flowers were somewhat healthy.

"Tiger lilies again?" Izuku rose and eyebrow as he walked closer to the green vase

Tiger Lilies are Izuku's favorite because honestly, they remind him of Katsuki. The flower petals have wilted, turning a dark brown, and fallen to the counter below. The leaves have turned a dark green and shriveled up a few falling off. Lastly stem was almost a black color as it withered up and tried to curl into itself. It made Izuku a little sad, but even in death he still thought they were beautiful.

Izuku's mentioned Tiger Lilies are his absolute favorite flower however, left out the minor detail of why he likes them to most people. Usually when people ask what his favorite flower is and why, he just says "Because Tiger Lilies are pretty." Not many people know the actual reason except his close friends Tenya, Ochako, Shouto, and Asui who also know he has a mega gay crush on the blonde.

Izuku noticed there was a note near the vase, he picked it up instantly

"Here's these stupid flowers you like as a thanks for not making me take care of your dumb cat." - Kacchan

"Dyna isn't dumb." Izuku frowned, but gave a light laugh

Katsuki has given Izuku these exact flowers a few times. Izuku think it's sweet and of course it makes his heart flutter, but he knows it's never just because Katsuki just wants to give him flowers. They usually serve as a payment of some sort. The shorter shouldn't have told the blonde they were his favorite flowers because no matter what he says, if Katsuki thinks he needs to repay Izuku, but the green haired hero won't take anything, then Katsuki ends up sending Izuku flowers when he's not expecting it. Actually it kind of happened by accident.

Izuku and Katsuki work every single day so their bosses make them take at least one day off a month. Izuku came home from his day out since he was off with a bouquet in his hands to fine Katsuki sitting on his couch.

Katsuki perked up as the other walked into his kitchen area after take off his shoes at the genken.
"Hey Nerd-" He then frowned as he got up

"What the hell is that?" The blonde asked, taking a seat at the small bar that separated the kitchen from the living room

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