Movie Date.

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-~Dream World~-

A week passed as Katsuki and Izuku fell into a routine. Katsuki made breakfast in the morning and Izuku had dinner ready by the time the blonde got home in the afternoon. Izuku also did the chores Katsuki usually put off until he had a shorter shift. It was minor stuff like washing dishes, swiffering the floor, windexing the windows, or dusting. Just little stuff like that, but apparently it really helped Katsuki out. He even appreciated it and always thanked Izuku for his work. On a warm spring day Izuku got up and walked downstairs to a note on the bar. It obviously from Katsuki. He picked up the yellow sticky note reading "Had an early shift and didn't wanna wake you. There's a parfait in the fridge for breakfast." -K.

Izuku smiled to himself. It felt a little wrong to feel so happy that Katsuki leaves him notes. They're just notes after all, nothing more, but he just can't help himself. To Izuku it was almost like he and Katsuki were well together. It's a silly dream, but it would be nice. He sighed folding up the note and taking it up to his room. Izuku pulled a box out from under his bed and put the note with the others. Yes he keeps the notes and he knows it weird, but doesn't want to throw them away. They could be valuable in the future. Yea, that's why he keeps them.

Izuku made it back downstairs and headed to the fridge for his morning parfait. He found a spoon and scooped his first bite into his mouth. Like everything else Katsuki cooked it was delicious and mouth watering. How can he make the simplest things taste like heaven on top of heaven. This time Izuku sighed contently as he happily ate his breakfast. After he was done and got dressed for the day he got a call.

"Hello?" He answered his flip phone

# "Izuku it's good to heard your voice." A quiet voice said

"Oh, Mr. Shinshi how have you been?" Izuku smiled as he talked

Shinshi wasn't a bad guy or a creep. Izuku actually liked hanging out with him, even if he was pretty boring. They never had sex, they just went out and did things together. Izuku though the guy was just lonely and wanted someone to spend his time with. He felt a little bad for charging to the guy, but Izuku has to get that bread somehow.

# "I've been good, I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight?" The man asked

"Like to eat?" Izuku asked, tilting his head

# "I was thinking more along the lines of going to the movies." Shinshi said

Izuku smiled.
"That sounds wonderful! I would love to go."
"What time?" He looked at the clock above the stove

# "Around seven. Is that okay?" Shinshi asked

"That sounds good to me." Izuku nodded

# "Great." Shinshi said

"I'll see you tonight Mr. Shinshi." Izuku told him

# "Can't wait." Shinshi told him then hung up

There was nothing for Izuku to do today, but he felt lazy for wanting to lounging around. He sighed for a third time and sat on the couch to watch a few hero documentaries.

Katsuki arrived home in a pretty good mood as he trudged through his front door. He made his way into the kitchen to quench his thirst. As Katsuki was drinking some water from his fridge he heard his living room Tv on and looked towards the area. Only to see Izuku fast asleep on his couch. After putting his glass down he quietly walked into the living room and looked down at Izuku. The curtains were open and illuminated his sleeping face with the afternoon sun. Izuku must have opened them because Katsuki always kept them drawn.

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