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-~Real World~-

Izuku made his way over to the agency in no time and entered the conference room greeting everyone with a smile. As soon as he sat down by Eijirou his bosses stepped in.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, but we've identified another suspect in the attack on Dynamight, Chargebolt, and the four civilians." Mirio said standing next to Tamaki with his hands behind his back

"There's the file, please read over it." Tamaki stepped forward and handed out papers to each hero

" Tamaki stepped forward and handed out papers to each hero

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Izuku looked over the record and something caught his eye.
"Cheery Bomb? That sounds familiar..." He muttered to himself with a frown

"Just like the other suspects we don't know much on her and unfortunately the research into our databases isn't getting us anywhere." Shouta sighed

Tamaki nodded.
"What we do have is what we've gotten from observing them while in prison, eye witness accounts, and what information they've given up on their own." He explained

"We have a running theory that the three met at Tatarus formed a small gang and plotted this attack." Mirio said with his index finger in the air

"It was premeditated?" Izuku questioned as theories ran through his mind

"Looks that way." Shouta shrugged

"Wait, how did they cross paths in prison? Inmates aren't allowed to interact with each other." Ochako looked up from criminal record paper questioningly

"Yea, I thought they were locked in a cells under constant observation." Kyouka crossed her arms

"Actually the lower grade criminals or "good behaving" ones get time outside in a prison yard located at the center of the prison which is constantly being surveilled by prison guards and cameras." Shouta told them as he crossed his arms leaning against the wall

"Criminals or not the majority of the public sees it as inhumane to keep villains locked up like caged animals." Tamaki looked to the side

"Most heroes and people who've lost loved ones to a villain attack would disagree." Hitoshi narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms

"It's still considered inhumane and the citizens are the ones who vote... so the lower grade villains get recess" Shouta said with a shrug

"Which is where we think our suspects met. We're trying to get the security footage of the yard. Since they're arrests dates are near each other it means they would've been in prison at or around the same time." Mirio shrugged

"But Gyakutai didn't go to Tatarus." Hanta pointed out with a raised eyebrow

"True however, before Gyakutai was arrested for robbing a  diamond exchange he visited the Tartarus prison at least once a week. We're trying to get information on why or who he went to see from him now." Tamaki said glancing to the side

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