Shape of You.

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Katsuki woke up the next day feeling pretty good. It's been a while and every time he wakes up the feeling of not being sure if he's dreaming or really awake starts to disappear. Of course he has his moments like yesterday morning but overall he was getting used to being awake again. He made his way through his morning routine and work out session then headed downstairs for breakfast since he only had a small pre workout snack. He cooks himself a simple breakfast and sits down alone to eat. That's when the silence set in. Like before his house was quiet and lonely. The blonde glanced across the empty table wishing Izuku and his bright smile was there.

Katsuki looked back down at his food, frowning. When did he get so clingy? He and Izuku were still barely a couple. Sure they held hands and sure they kissed a few times but it feels like they're still just friends. It's not other's fault. Katsuki's sure Izuku just wants to take things slow and let him heal first; the blonde knows it's the right thing to do. Being casual and going with the flow would be better but he can help but yearn for more. Would asking Izuku to move in be too much? Would it be moving too fast? The only downside would be having to live with that stupid cat. Katsuki sighed leaning back in his chair after finishing his food.

He shook his head and got up to put his plate away. After washing it he wasn't sure what to do. He cleaned the house yesterday and he hasn't been cleared for work yet so he's got nothing to do. He could go work out again or maybe he should just relax and watch tv. Just as he walked out of the kitchen the doorbell rang and he frowned confused as he made his way to the genken. Katsuki looked through the peephole seeing nothing but the doorbell rang again and he grunted in annoyance. Seriously, was this a dumb prank? He thought as he opened the door only to see Chiyo. Oh that's why he didn't see anything. She's so short, no offense to her.

"Hello sonny." The older lady smiled

"Hey granny." Katsuki snarked automatically moving to let her in as he held the door open for the shorter

Chiyo rolled her eyes and hobbled, using her cane to assist her. She slipped off her shoes and stepped into the hallway as Katsuki closed the door to follow the smaller. Once they got to the living room Katsuki headed towards the kitchen to make a quick thing of tea since he knew that the older would want some. He poured two cups and took the tea to Chiyo sitting next to her on the couch.

"Thank you." She said taking the warm cup that Katsuki gave her

The blonde just hummed as he picked his own up from the coffee table to take a sip.
"So you over to visit or you here to ask me to fix somethin'?" He asked getting right to the point and secretly hoping the old lady would need him to do something for her

"Just here to check on you. How are you feeling?" Chiyo asked

Katsuki sat his cup down.
"M'fine. Mostly." He shrugged

"Mostly?" Chiyo questioned rising a gray eyebrow

Katsuki glanced at her then away as he threaded his fingers together while his elbows sat on his knees, making him lean forward a bit.
"Still have a few moments here and there where I can't exactly tell what's real. I just feel... unsure." He frowned

Chiyo nodded after a moment.
"Well that's understandable. You were unconscious for a long time. It's obvious there would be some lasting effects." She stated validating his feelings

Katsuki looked over at her confused.
"You saying it's normal?"

Now Chiyo looked confused.
"Of course, boy. With the length of time you were in a coma and the strength of the quirk itself, it's like I said, understandable." The little lady told him

Katsuki glanced away again to ponder it.
"Mm." He had grunted in reply

After taking another sip of her tea Chiyo spoke again.
"Other than that, is everything else okay? I watched over you as much as I could." She asked

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