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Katsuki was sitting in bed after he finished his upper body therapy. He was honestly exhausted and hated it. His body was so weak. He just wanted to get back to normal, but that would take time. Katsuki feels like he wasting time though being stuck in bed all damn day. This is why he hates hospitals. There's just nothing to do and Izuku hasn't been by to talk his ear off. Katsuki wondered if he was too busy or maybe he's sleeping because he had a day off for once. Not that the blonde was better. He'd rather run himself into an early grave than miss work. He misses the feeling of being needed which is why he wished Izuku had come to visit.

He thought back to the other day when he and the smaller kissed. Shortly after Izuku had to leave but the intimacy wasn't immediately brushed away like it was nothing. He shorter left with a happy smile and Katsuki actually felt good about it. It seemed like such a small gesture of affection made him so happy. The blonde made him happy and that made Katsuki happy too. Not to mention he got to hold Izuku's taut waist while his perky ass fully sat on his lap. He can't wait for more of that. Izuku was so bold and it was so damn hot. Katsuki wondered how he ever resisted cheating. Oh right he had stupid morals.

The door slid open interrupting Katsuki nearly dirty thoughts about Izuku and when he looked over he saw Denki entering the room. The other was limping a bit, but doing pretty well it seemed. He was also dressed in regular clothes unlike Katsuki who still had to wear his hospital gown. The electric blonde looked really happy though which was good. Not that Katsuki would say it out loud but he hated seeing his friends sad, dressed, upset, struggling, or distressed. He cared about each of them whether they knew or not and he always made sure to check on them or secretly take care of them when need.

"Hey Kats, how's it going?" He said walking toward the bed

"You're walking now?" Katsuki said after he has observed

Denki nodded excitedly because he always did. He had too much energy Katsuki always thought.
"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better. How about you?" He asked as he sat on the side of the bed

He was probably tired from walking here completely by himself. Katsuki could understand. All he did was work on the range of motion in his arms and he was dead ass tired. But it'll help rebuild his strength so he'll do it as my times as he has to to get discharged and go home. He misses his bed too maybe one day he and Izuku can sleep together in. It was a big bed so there wound be plenty of room for the both of them and he liked the idea a lot. Waking up next to Izuku's dumb drooling face sounds awesome to him.

"Fine still stuck in bed though." Katsuki shrugged

"It'll get better." Denki said encouragingly

Katsuki sighed leaning his head back against his pillow that was behind him on the propped up bed.
"I know, but it's taking forever." He grumbled making the other blonde giggle

"That's why it's called rehabilitation. It takes a while to get back to normal." Denki shrugged

It was true but Katsuki rolled his eyes not wanting to hear it. He wanted Denki to agree, but alas the other blonde was just not the pessimistic type of guy. Why is Katsuki surrounded by happy go lucky idiots? Oh right because they wouldn't leave him the fuck alone him high school so now he's stuck with them. At least they wouldn't ditch him if he was getting attacked by a villain though. They were better than his junior high lackeys. They also didn't hesitate to call him out on his bullshit either which was just better for everyone especially Katsuki. Having a bunch of yes men doesn't to anyone any good.

"How's it going with Izuku?" The shorter blonde added

"We're dating... I guess?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes as he liked to the side

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