You're Worth Suffering For.

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Izuku ended up waiting a few days to bring it up. He thought maybe somehow Katsuki would read his mind and say something about it himself but it never happened so it was up to Izuku to finally address it. He wasn't really sure how, but he really needed to find out so waiting to sort out his thoughts more wasn't an option. They needed to confront this head on and deal with it once and for all.

"Kacchan." Izuku said when he lifted his head to look at the blonde

"Yeah nerd?" Katsuki answered as he put his dumbbell down

"We need to talk." Izuku told him as he sat on the bed near the other

Katsuki grimaced.
"Shit, what'd I do?" He asked immediately going over their time together trying to remember where he fucked up

Izuku shook his head.
"Nothing. It's what you didn't do." He said

"Hah?" Katsuki looked confused

Izuku sighed leaning on his hand that sat on the bed.
"Kacchan you're keeping things from me." The smaller said softly like he was tending to something fragile

Katsuki frowned.
"Am not." He denied like a petulant child

"I'm being serious." Izuku told him

"What do you think I'm keeping from you?" Katsuki asked utterly confused

Izuku hesitated for a moment then looked determined.
"Shindou told me that you said you wanted to stay in the dream world."

Oh. Fuck. That's what this was about.
"Shit." The blonde looked to the side

Katsuki swallowed hard and definitely regrets saying that to Shindou. He was just having a difficult time readjusting to his normal life. Unfortunately it was the truth but that was before he and Izuku got together. Things are much better now. He has Izuku, they've kissed, they've gone on a date, they're together. It's one of the major things Katsuki wanted.

Izuku nodded.
"Yeah, "shit."  You can't keep things like that from me Kacchan." He told him

"It's not a big deal." Katsuki said quietly but he knew it was

"But it is!" Izuku said clenching his fists at his sides

"Kacchan, why would you want to stay there? Why would you want to be a part of something that's not real?" He asked Like a plea

Was it truly better? Was that version of Izuku better than the real version? What was it about that world that was so good that it made Katsuki want to stay and risk dying. Izuku can't imagine wanting a fake Katsuki over the real one. He just can't. Nothing is better than the real Katsuki.

The taller shrugged as he spoke.
"Cause it was everything I wanted." He said while looking ashamed of his words

"... Am I'm not good enough." Izuku asked sadly

Katsuki immediately looked at him and shook his head.
"No it's not..." He paused trying not to get frustrated with himself

The blonde sighed.
"The dream world was just everything I wanted. Nothing hurt, I wasn't fucked up, we never had a bad past, I had you, everything else was essentially the same, and I was at the top. I was number one."

"So that's why you wanted to stay?" Izuku asked him

Katsuki nodded and hesitantly looked at the other.
"Wouldn't you like to have everything you wanted? You're mom and All Might back or the merch you could get. A world where there's no scars, no severe pain, no one dying because you can't save them. No problems, no cares, no doubts?" He questioned

Izuku blinked as his eyes started to well with tears.
"You would have died." The smaller said

Katsuki laughed empty.
"I know and I know it's fucked up to be that selfish, but it's just how I felt. You're my boyfriend now and I'm so damn happy about that, but it's all I got. I can't help but strive for more you know?" He admitted

Izuku sniffled, looking away from the blonde.
"I'm sorry Kacchan."

"It's not your fault Deku." Katsuki pulled the shorter into a hug

Izuku hugged him back.
"But you're unhappy." He said looking up at him

"I was." Katsuki said sternly

"I was unhappy, but that was when I dated Shindou. I might want other things, but you are at the top of my list other than being number one." He added

"I liked the dream world, but it's just not this. It's not the real you, my real friends, my real parents, my real... everything. So as much as I liked the dream world but I want to be with a real Izuku than fuck around with some fake ass version of you that my dumbass brain made up." The taller explained and sighed looking out the window

"Reality sucks, but I'd rather suffer with you because you're worth suffering for." Katsuki said after looking back down at Izuku and then he kissed his forehead

The shorter blushed because in a weird way, Katsuki's weird way, that was very sentimental. It was like they were in some boys love story.
"Kacchan's so sweet." Izuku said pressing his embarrassed face into the other's neck smelling his sweet scent

"Kacchan's tired of Izuku thinking about things a little too much." Katsuki poked his cheek

Izuku pulled back to look up at the blonde.
"I wasn't overthinking it!"

"I was just trying to understand and make sure you were okay." He defended himself quietly

Katsuki smiled fondly.
"Thanks Izuku. M'sorry for worryin' you." He said

Izuku shook his head as if to deny needing a thank you.
"It's okay. As long as Kacchan really wants the real me I'll be fine."

"I do." Katsuki nodded

"Because I'm pretty selfish." He added just after

Izuku shook his head again but this time in disbelief.
"You're not selfish. If you are then so am I." He told him

"An innocent angel like you can't be selfish. You don't have it in you." Katsuki pinched his freckled cheek

Izuku whined, pulling away.
"Fine, I'm possessive though."

Katsuki snorted, letting go of the other's face.
"Yeah, that's definitely true." He agreed

"Hey!" Izuku said like he was offended

He was glad that they resolved the issue. He felt better and adequate when he had been feeling like he wasn't good enough to be with Katsuki. Though he was too worried about him to acknowledge that part. It was the truth though, Katsuki has always been on this pedestal for him and being good enough to date him was something Izuku never thought he would be able to do. How they are though. He's sure Katsuki feels the same way sometimes. It's crazy how similar yet so different they are in different aspects. It's probably the product of knowing and influencing each other for so long. Izuku didn't see that as a bad thing though and obviously neither did Katsuki.

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