The Godfather.

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"Oi Dweeb help me to the bathroom." Katsuki said as he got out of bed holding onto the side rail

He's been doing better. but still struggles with walking a bit especially after a long day of doing therapy. The next day is usually a rest day to let him recuperate but Katsuki isn't one to really relax so he's up as much as he can be. So even though every muscle in his lower body hurts he's still pushing on because that's just how he is. Go beyond, plus ultra.

Izuku nodded as he stood up from the fold out couch where he had slept.
"Okay Kacchan."

The shorter walked towards Katsuki then helped him over to the bathroom easily while holding the other's hand. He could see a small font of pink tint Katsuki's left ear. Once again it amazes Izuku how such a scary looking man can be so cute. It makes his heart swell with love and a twinge of pride because Katsuki was his boyfriend and his boyfriend was so cute!

"Do you need anything else?" Izuku asked the taller once they made it to the bathroom

Katsuki shook his head.
"Nah, I can get it." He told the other

Izuku nodded.
"Okay I'll be right outside then." He smiled letting go of the blonde

Then Katsuki nodded as the shorter stepped out shutting the door in his leave. He had spent the night for the first time since Katsuki woke up. He slept on the fold out couch, but they watched an All Might movie together which was fun even if they weren't snuggled up together like Izuku would have liked. Now that it was morning the smaller needed to change clothes so he grabbed his bag while Katsuki was busy in the bathroom and got out some fresh clothes. He took off his shirt first and stuffed it back in his bag then he shucked off his pants and underwear last, also stuffing them back in his duffle bag. Just after he got his clean underwear on is when he heard the bathroom door open and Bakugou carefully step out while holding into his IV pole.

It was fine until Katsuki's eyes me his then he glanced down and blushed. Izuku has seen him do that before even when he acts cocky. Now that he knew why the blonde blushes it's very amusing. Katsuki had to look away because shit that was too much of Izuku's sexy ass body for his eyes to see. Yes they've been in the locker room, onsens, and public bath houses together, but this is not the same and the blonde made sure to keep his eyes either to himself or in an appropriate place. He never let them wander especially to Izuku curvy body that was build like a brick house. Fuck Katsuki is so pent up.

"Kacchan?" Izuku said grabbing the other's attention

"Huh?" Katsuki asked looking back towards the shorter on reflex

He found him significantly closer which made Katsuki jolt and look away after they made eye contact again. He feels like he shouldn't look even though he wanted to. The blonde is still not used to them being an item so even though they have already seen each other naked, kissed, and held hands it feels wrong to just ogle at his half naked body when he was only changing clothes.

"Are you embarrassed?" Izuku asked him as he looked up at the taller

Katsuki frowned deeply.
"No." He replied stern

Izuku tilted his head.
"Then why can't you look at me?" He questioned

Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"Tch- Because you're changing. It's just manners not to ogle." He told him

Izuku grinned as he hugged around the other's torso under his arms.
"Kacchan wants to ogle?" He asked with interesting

Katsuki shook his head immediately.
"No..." He said and they both knew he was lying

"Yes. Damnit." The taller pouted

Izuku giggled as he stood up on his tippy toes to kiss Katsuki's scarred cheek
"It's okay. You can look." He told him kissing the other pale cheek

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