Flower Shopping.

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-~Dream World~-

"I'm sorry I'm so late!" Izuku said seeing Iida outside of the beautiful flower shop

He stopped placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"It's no big deal Midoriya." Iida smiled

Izuku caught his breath and stood up probably.
"Still, I'm sorry. So do you have some sort of idea of what you want to get Mei?" He asked with red cheeks

"Well... I would like to get something thats pretty, pink, and loud just like her." Iida chuckled

Izuku nodded opening the door for Iida.
"Let's look around for a few minutes then. Maybe will see something that matches your standards."

"Good idea." Iida said entering the store

"Welcome!" An older woman smiled

"Hello." Iida said

"Is there something I can help you with?" The lady asked

"We're just looking around for a the time being." Iida told her

"Well if you need anything just let me know." The woman smiled

"Will do." Iida nodded

"Iida what about those?" Izuku pointed as they walked down an isle full of different flowers

Iida looked at them closely.

They were a dull pink with a green middle.

"Hmm those are quite pretty, but I'm not sure if they're really Mei's style." He said

Izuku nodded.
"They are a little dull now that I'm looking at them."

"Oh what about those over there?" He pointed across the store at some bright yellow flowers

"Those are pretty, but they aren't pink." He shrugged

"Oh right." Izuku nodded

"Here's a mix of flowers." Iida pointed to a wall with different bouquets of flowers already made up

Then he sighed.
"But they aren't pink either." Iida said

They walked through for a few more minutes looking around.

Izuku found wall of sample flowers.
"What about these Iida? They're pink and yellow." He pointed to a bouquet of four flowers

"What are these?" Iida questioned as he inspected the bouquet

Izuku read the pastel pink card.
"It says they're pink and yellow cactus Dahlias." He said

Iida smiled.
"Midoriya. I think those are perfect." He looked over at the shorter man

"Really! How many are you going to get?" Izuku asked smelling the flowers

They smelled a little bitter.

"I think I'll buy a hundred." Iida nodded once

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