Lets Get Physical.

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Well Katsuki and Izuku are a thing now. Which is weird for both of them. They sort of don't know how to act or what to do. Things are different yet not at all. It's awkward yet easy to get along in their new relationship. Over the week Izuku visits everyday when he's not working or after he gets off work. Katsuki's case is officially over now so Izuku was put back on regular patrol duty, but with Shouto instead of the angry blonde who was still in the hospital.

Katsuki seemed unsure most don't the time, like he didn't know what was okay and what wasn't. Izuku noticed that the blonde was a little closed off and he decides to confront him about it as they sat in the hospital room together. Katsuki had just finished some easy physical therapy. It was mostly upper body for now. Izuku hoped it was helping.

"Kacchan?" The smaller looked over at the other

"Yeah Nerd?" Katsuki said as he ate slowly

He insisted on not having help this time since he was doing well in therapy so Izuku let him do it on his own even though he wanted to help really bad. He sort of liked feeding Katsuki. It felt intimate. To Izuku at least. He's sure it felt like pity to Katsuki.

"Are you feeling okay?" Izuku asked

Katsuki shrugged.
"Fine, just tired and shit."

He really was. Therapy kicked his ass not that he would ever admit that out loud. He isn't weak but apparently not using your body for so many months really takes it's toll and Katsuki absolutely hated it. He feels kind of pathetic honestly which makes it worse. Especially when he wants to do things now that he and Izuku are officially together.

"Oh okay." Izuku nodded

He could understand. He's gone through rehabilitation therapy many times for many broken and busted body parts. This is better than what he had assumed was wrong which was that maybe Katsuki didn't really want this and he was just lying the whole time. Izuku hates that he thought that because Katsuki is cruel, but he would never be that cruel to play with feelings when he himself knows exactly what it feels like to be crushed by them.

"Why you askin'?" Katsuki said as he finished his food

Izuku hesitated but decided to answer.
"It just seems like you're not as open lately." He said moving the table away from the bed so it wouldn't be in the blonde's way

"Hah?" Katsuki rose a confused eyebrow

Izuku blushed a little as he stood at the other's beside.
"Well we're dating, sort of, but it doesn't really feel like that. I'm not trying to force you or anything, but this sort of just still feels like we're friends." He pointed out

It's been a week. A tough week, but a week none the less. Katsuki just wasn't sure what to do and neither did Izuku. What was okay? What wasn't? Could they go right into kissing or not? Was hugging too much now? Could they hold hands or was that too intimate? So many questions that neither of them could answer right off hand. It was complicated.

"What do you want me to do?" Katsuki asked

Maybe if they could establish a few things that would help both of them get through this awkwardness. Katsuki hated it and he knew it only makes Izuku more nervous and worried. Why is everything so difficult? They both asked themselves because with them it was always difficult. Nothing was just easy between them even though it probably should be.

Izuku shook his head.
"No, I'm not saying you have to I just..." He sighed and plopped down in the chair that was just behind him then shrugged

"I don't know. Never mind, I'm sorry Kacchan. You should focus on healing." The shorter told the other

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