I Hope You're Miserable Until You're Dead.

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Izuku sighed again and turned the page, scanning his green eyes over the neat writing that past Katsuki had unknowingly left for him to read. The more he read the more he regrets doing this, but Izuku pushes on.

"Yo and I haven't talked in week and I really missed him, but he came over today apologized so I forgave him. He seemed genuinely sorry and i've done way worse than him so i'll let it slide. Maybe I just keep fucking it up and overreacting. I gotta be better, he's all I got." Sincerely, Me.

Izuku frowned sadly. Did Katsuki really think that? Did he really convince himself that Yo was all he had or the best he could get? It was just wrong, all completely wrong. The blonde didn't fuck anything up, Yo did. He's toxic and not in the fun Brittney Spears kind of way. Just plain ol' bad news. Katsuki deserved better than Yo, so much better. Izuku can't believe he didn't see how awful Yo was to his best friend.

Well... actually he can. Because of Yo, Katsuki only saw Izuku at work and he already didn't talk about his personal life much so if the shorter didn't see them together in front of him a lot then it'd obvious he would miss things. Still, he should've seen the red flags instead of assuming Katsuki just wanted some distance. Maybe if Izuku or one of their other friends saw what was going on they could've saved Katsuki from the relationship and the heartbreak.

"Things are a lot better. Yesterday Yo and I talked about him moving in and I said I didn't mind. My house is two bedrooms, two baths so have plenty of space. Why not? When I told the idiots they said they think I'm moving too fast. Raccoon eyes was very loud about it. Deku said "If that's what you want then go for it." Dad said something similar to Deku and Mom said she hated the idea, but he's my boyfriend so I can do whatever the hell I want. Right? I'm helping him move in tomorrow." Sincerely, Me.

Izuku remembered when Katsuki told him he and Yo were moving in together. The blonde seemed happy so of course Izuku encouraged him even though it hurt. They were the Wonder Duo, but one half of them at the time was moving on with his life and that was hard for the other half to take in. Izuku let Katsuki do what he pleased though and he was a little more than happy when he got the key back to the blonde's house.

However Katsuki had told him to not tell anyone about it and only use it when he absolutely needed to. Izuku nodded understandingly, but felt odd. Now after reading this far Izuku concluded that it was probably because Yo didn't want Izuku in the house with Katsuki while he wasn't there. Maybe Izuku should've done it anyway. No, that would've been wrong of him.

"Got invited to a wedding today. I wasn't gonna go, but Deku bugged the shit out of me to go so I am. The ceremony was pretty simple, but it represented them well enough. Deku looked like he was gonna shit his pants though, he was just Pink Cheeks' man of honor, but it was funny as hell so see him so nervous. Contrary to how I acted I was pretty happy for Ochako and Himiko. I'm glad they're happy with each other. I didn't fucking do much at the wedding cause Yo just wanted to sit and do whatever he was doing on his phone. Eventually he got a call and said he had to leave, but I wanted to stay so he kissed me and left. Other than that I actually had a pretty good time. Deku caught Himiko's stupid bouquet and Mina caught Ochako's. I even got to dance and shit."  Sincerely, Me

Izuku thought back to that day. They were at the after party and the girls decided it was time to throw their the bouquet to the crown so most the girls rushed to the floor behind Himiko and Ochako. Izuku stayed in his seat between to Mei and Shouto until Mina and Camie came to drag him and Shouto to the floor. Shouto was confused at first until they told him why they were dragging him to the floor, but Izuku just blushed and tried to get away. However, the girls wouldn't let him leave so he decided to just let it happen.

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