The Prostitute.

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~-Real World-~

"I thought I was going to lose Izuku a week ago. We were in battle and were handling it pretty well until I got pinned down and he got shot in the fucking chest. All I could think about as I held him was "why wasn't I faster?", "Why didn't I fight harder?", or "Why did I leave his side?" We were the only ones taking care of the assholes since we were the closet to the incident when the dispatch was called. We were actually already on our way to the scene because Deku's Danger Sense went off, but I didn't think it would end so badly. After I took down the last two fuckers, because it was a gang, I ran to Izuku. The last time I felt that horrified was when Izuku went against Nutsack Face and before that it was when he battled Shigarfucky and I jumped in the cross fire. Luckily the Nerd didn't die, but he was pretty damn close. If the bullet was just a millimeter to the right the it would've hit Izuku's heart. The luck that fucking moron has is unbelievable at this point." Sincerely, Me.

Izuku frowned. That was a pretty, in Katsuki's words, shitty day. They had planned to have dinner together at the blonde's house, but instead Izuku spent his night in the hospital worrying everyone he knew and the rest of Japan included. It was all over the news and tabloids. He doesn't remember much from before he woke up in the hospital bet, but he does remember Katsuki shouting at him. He really thought he was going to die that day yet somehow in a weird messed up way he was glad that Katsuki was shouting at him. It encouraged him to hold on and keep fighting even if it was only for another day. Another day he could spend with Katsuki. Another day he could spend with his friends.

He remembered seeing the bullet leaving the barrel that was aimed at him like some matrix bullet time scene. Then he saw Katsuki full on football tackle the guy as all three of them fell to the grounds for different reasons. His chest hurt and he knew his time was running out as the blood from the wound soaked his hero suit. In his panic that had set in he saw Katsuki rushed to his side sinking to his knees.

"S- Sorry Kacchan." Izuku had said weakly as he felt the blonde cup his slightly chubby face

The angry hero looked so scared, so afraid, so horrified that he didn't even look like the blonde anymore as fear overwhelmed both of them. Izuku though he would die and Katsuki seemed to have thought the same thing at the time.

"Don't you dare fucking die on me you Nerd!" Katsuki had shouted in anguish

The taller didn't get like that often and Izuku would never tell anyone how fearful the blonde looked that day. He was so frightened that he had started to cry and Katsuki never cries. Well only in front of Izuku.

In a matter of seconds with the sound agony and tears that came from the blonde, fresh liquid rolled down those freckled cheeks from his eyes.
"I can't promise that Ka... Katsuki." He had said with sniffle

Izuku truly believes it's because Katsuki was there that he even survived that day. If it had been anyone else he probably would've died because even though he said he couldn't promise the taller he wouldn't die he secretly did. He just wanted more time with everyone. Was that too much to ask? Apparently not because the universe allowed him to live.

"I've decided that I no longer have friends. Even Deku has officially been exiled. Damn traitor. It was my birthday a few days ago and apparently those goddamn morons thought it was a good fucking idea to buy me a prostitute. So not only did they show a stranger my exact address, they also thought they needed to paid for some to have sex with me! The goddamn audacity! First of all I don't pay for sex. No offense to the sex industry because they work hard, but I ain't paying for that shit. If I wanna fuck around there's plenty of people I can go to. I'm fucking Dynamight, sexiest pro hero according to Hito magazine. Second, I'm the pro hero Dynamight. It's completely irresponsible to show a total stranger where I live. The last time people knew my address the goddamn paparazzi bull dozed my front gate and fucked up my perfectly manicured lawn. Don't get me wrong the guy was nice and definitely my type which was a little weird, Deku said Mina picked him out, but whatever. We just talked because I refused to have sex with him. I didn't even fuck around with Shindou what made them think I would with a complete stranger? It was stupid so therefore I have decided to banish those fuckers." Sincerely, Me.

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