Why Are You In My Bed?

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In the end they watched three separate boring movies and it was midnight by the time Izuku trekked home. He used the house key Katsuki gave him and entered the home quietly. He softly walked down the hall into the living room to see Katsuki on the couch. It was like the scene from this morning, but the roles were reversed. However, Izuku was not about to tickle Katsuki awake. The man might accidentally punch him or something.

He walked over to the couch.
"Kacchan?" Izuku whispered

It was dark so Izuku couldn't really see until he got closer and saw the Tv illuminating Katsuki's face. The blonde didn't answer. The taller must have fell asleep watching Tv. Izuku looked at the coffee table for the remote and saw a vanilla folder. He reached out to pick it up then stopped himself. That could be confidential information so Izuku turned back around to Katsuki and tried to shake him awake. On the third try Katsuki woke up snatching Izuku's wrist gripping it tightly. Izuku gasped shocked by the action.

Katsuki frowned through the dim room.
"Deku?" He asked a little disoriented

With a racing heart Izuku laughed awkwardly.
"Y- Yea, it's just me Kacchan."

Katsuki let go closing his eyes again.
"Don't sneak up on me I'll kill you."

Izuku laughed genuinely, but quietly this time.
"Noted. Want me to help you to bed?" He asked

"Mmhm." Katsuki grunted sleepily

Izuku smiled, grabbing Katsuki's arm.
"Alright them up we go." He said to hoisted the taller and heavier man up off the couch

Once up, with Katsuki doing most of the work, Izuku put the man's arm around the back of his neck for support. The two walked upstairs and Izuku almost fell down twice with Katsuki weight leaning on him. Finally Izuku opened Katsuki's bedroom door and helped him to the bed which Katsuki happily plopped face first on. Izuku pulled the black covers over the large body with a small smile.

"There Kacchan. Sleep well." He patted the man on the back then headed to the door

"Stay." Katsuki mumbled

Izuku heard him, but he turned around to look at Katsuki anyway.
"What?" He asked

Katsuki lifted his head slightly trying to find Izuku
"Stay with me." He said a little more clear since it wasn't muffled my the mattress

Izuku rubbed his upper arm.
"Kacchan, I would love to, but you'll just get mad in the morning." He said looking to the side

Katsuki laid his head back on his pillow.
"Please?" He asked with closed eyes

Izuku sighed then nodded.
"Sure Kacchan. Mind if a borrow a shirt though?" He asked since he didn't want to sleep in his overalls and crop top

"Don't care. bed." Katsuki murmured like a cave man

Izuku walked to the gray wardrobe and opened it to grab a shirt. He got a black one because most of Katsuki's clothes were black so he really didn't have a choice. Izuku unhooked his overalls and discarded them along with his shirt in favor of the large black shirt that belong to Katsuki. Since he only had boxers on this time he noticed the shirt reached his mid thigh. Izuku shook his head, he hated being so short compared to Katsuki.

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