Burn Book.

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~Sorry some of the Dia- journal entries are so long.~

~-Real World-~

Izuku shivered as he turned the page after remembering the day his house got robbed. It was scary, but his life got back to normal quickly. It's not like he can't handle himself. The young hero encountered worse and far scarier things than someone breaking in and stealing his things.

"Bumped into the two faced extra from... Damn what's the name of that stupid school? Whatever, it doesn't matter. He talked to me for a while and he was less annoying than he used to be. Guess we've all changed since high school." Sincerely, Me.

Izuku furrowed his brows. Yo Shindou, the one person in probably the entire world that Izuku has so much disdain for. The short hero didn't hate many people. Hate was a strong word but when it came to Yo. He hated him with his entire being and he's petty about it too.

"I think Shindou likes me something. He's all touchy, I kinda hate it. I mentioned it to Mina and Eijirou they said they noticed it too. The morons and I went out for drinks and Shindou happen to be at the same place so he joined up. Thought it was a little weird, but whatever. I wanted Deku to go, but he was behind on paperwork so he had to stay at the agency. Wonder if I should asked Deku about it. He probably knows the guy better than I do. Everyone's friends with him plus he's a stalker so I'm sure he knows the dude inside and out." Sincerely, Me.

Ignoring the stalker Izuku Unfortunately did know the guy pretty well. He has two pages in his notebook on the guy and has asked him way to many, way too personal questions. But after what he did to Katsuki he doesn't even deserve to fill up two pages in his hero notes. The only reason Izuku hasn't ripped the pages out and stressed them to pieces is because no matter he likes keeping notes on quirks. Heroes or villains, he doesn't discriminate when it comes to his note taking.

"Shindou finally asked me out. I was gonna reject him but i've never dated anyone and now that i've been outed i don't have to worry so much about someone seeing me dating a dude. We just went to a restaurant, nothing fancy. He talks a lot. Reminds me of Deku." Sincerely, Me.

"Reminds me of Deku?" Izuku frowned. He felt offended that Katsuki would compare him to the likes of Yo. They're not similar at all except maybe the hair style. Yo a was two face, no good, cheating, lying ass Izuku wannabe. That's right, if anything Yo was just an Izuku wannabe. The shorter doesn't compliment himself often, but he will never do ever say he's on the same level or lower than Yo.

"Second date was way better. Didn't know dating could be this fun. Shindou's actually pretty nice, but cocky. I had a lot of fun on our paint balling date. We fucking obliterated the other team. The damn losers wanted a rematch and we beat them again." Sincerely, Me.

They went paintballing? Izuku furrowed his brows. That's such a cool date idea. Ugh. No wonder Katsuki liked Yo for so long. Paintballing is definitely an activity the blonde would love doing. It's got everything he likes. A goal to win, no rules, and you get to hurt people without consequence.

"After about a month of dating now I decided to tell everyone, well my friends and Deku I mean. Ain't telling the hag a damn thing. Raccoon Eyes and Ears were the only ones who looked... I don't know a little disappointed I guess. The guys didn't look too happy, but they said a bunch of supportive crap. I asked Mina, Kyouka what was up. Kyouka didn't give me a straight answer and Mina said said she just didn't like Yo that much. It felt like the truth, but i'm pretty there was also more to it. I don't know, Pinky's confusing sometimes. Deku seemed to take it better than the squad even if at first he looked a little confused. Not surprised really. Someone willing to date me is pretty shocking. Then he smiled a patted me on the back saying the same supportive bullshit the other's said. Glad he was okay with it." Sincerely, Me.

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