Popping Boners.

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The next day Izuku woke up to loud knocking. Well it wasn't that loud, but to his adjusting ears it was loud. Dyna meowed as Izuku got out of bed since she way laying on top of his legs. The green headed man stumbled to the entrance as he rubbed his eyes. Last night he didn't sleep well even though he was home. He spent too much time worrying over Katsuki and what his bosses would do to him for accidentally withholding evidence. He felt bad about reading the journal already and now he feels even worse for hiding things that could be useful to the case. This was a complete mess and Izuku knows he's going to get in major trouble when he sees his bosses later.

"Coming!" He yawned as he looked through the peep hole then opened the door to see a large redhead in his doorway

"Ei?" Izuku questioned with a tilt of his head

The taller gave a small smile.
"Hey Izubro, mind if I come in?" He asked

Izuku nodded and moved out the door way.
"Sure, is something wrong? You look worried." He said perceptive as always

Eijirou shook his head as he stepped in and Izuku shut the door.
"Nah I'm good man. I just gotta tell you something." He said while he took off his shoes at the genken

Izuku nodded.
"Oh. Have a seat and I'll make us some tea." He smiled as they walked into the joint kitchen, dining area, and living room

Eijirou set a hand on the shorter's shoulder.
"Alright, but don't if you don't feel like it. Not to be mean, but you look a little tired." He said looking at the dark circles under the other's green eyes

Izuku glanced away, his hand came up to rub the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I'm not sleeping very well." He admitted as he pulled away from the redhead to make the tea

"Why's that?" Eijirou asked as he leaned against the bar

Izuku sighed.
"I'm worried about Kacchan." He told the older

Eijirou quirked a small knowing grin.
"Makes sense, but you gotta get some rest. Can't be in top shape if you don't sleep man." He said

"You sound like Kacchan." Izuku commented as the tea boiled

"Because I know that's what he would say." Eijirou shrugged

"We know him too well." Izuku let out a small laugh

"Yeah." Eijirou nodded and it went quiet until Izuku poured the tea into two cups

"Here you go." He said handing one to the redhead

"Thanks man. Other than not sleeping, are you doing okay?" Eijirou asked as they walked towards the couch

"I'm fine, why?" Izuku asked after they sat down

"Meow." A blonde cat interrupted

"Oh hey Dyna." Eijirou greeted the red eyes cat that he's only seen a few times

She dodged his hand that was was reaching out to pet her and jumped on the couch sitting beside Izuku between him and the large redhead.

"She really looks and acts like Kats." Eijirou chuckled

"I know right that's why I named her Dyna." Izuku smiled at he patted her head and she leaned into the touch

"Anyways what were you saying?" The shorter man looked at the other

Eijirou nodded once.
"Oh right. Well first I just wanted to check on you. Usually Katsuki is the one that makes sure you're doing okay." He said and took a sip of the tea Izuku made him

The smaller frowned slightly.
"Kacchan isn't my keeper Eijirou." He said

The blonde did do a lot for him but it wasn't Katsuki's responsibility to made sure Izuku was taking care of himself. The green haired hero has told the angry blonde that many times yet he still checks on Izuku anyway and aggressively makes him take care of himself or the taller does it himself.

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