He Was Taking My Izuku Away From Me!

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It took nearly a month to find the other villains. This was taking a long time. Mina and Eijirou pushed back their wedding because they wanted to wait until this problem was solved. They refused to have such a joyful occasion without two of their best friends. So they like everyone else including Izuku got to work. Ki's information had actually been helpful which was slightly a surprise. Most villains don't actually give up accurate information or at least the whole truth.

Since they already had Buffster AKA Warui Gyakutai and Windshot AKA Yoi Shinshi, in custody the first person they picked up was Cherry Bomb AKA Kiken Kyoui. Tracking her movements were hard because she never stayed in one place. The address Ki gave was from the last time he saw her. She had been spotted in three different areas since then.

Izuku was at the hospital with Katsuki when a crew went out to track down Cherry Bomb. They assumed she was on her way home since she was on the route to the location that a store manager gave them. She made quite the scene the other day so the old man remembered her clearly. He pointed the heroes in the direction she went and from there they search and kept watch. Eventually they discovered the house she was squatting in.

Uravity and Froppy confronted the tanned woman who holding her coat closed on one side of the side walk. Probably to hide some goods she stole hopefully it was more firearms but the heroes wouldn't put it passed her. Some criminals just never learn their lesson no matter how hard you to discipline, educate, and care.

"Hey, Cherry." Uravity waved like they were best friends

This situation gave her a little Déjà vu. It reminded her of when she came across Himiko during their school years. There was a lot of controversy in the media when they found out the two woman got married. Before then they kept everything on the down low as much as they could even when they dated Izuku. Ochako didn't care though. She knew the full extent of what Himiko did and she was there when the woman woke up screaming from nightmares. Ochako knows Himiko truly regrets what she did when they were younger.

The blonde was shunned and treated horribly because they didn't understand why she did the things that she did. After some therapy that's still on going that Himiko completely agreed and was willing to do she's gotten better. She understands, she's served her time, she makes sure every day that she doesn't revert back to what she was. She also does things for the families she's harmed even though they don't know it.

Ochako was with her all the way and has tried to help her the best she could by giving her love and support whenever Himiko wanted or needed it. She never gave up on the blonde she could just see the good inside her ready to be set free. Ochako wanted that for her, she wanted Himiko to be redeemed. That's why the brunette was so sympathetic to villains. Even the worst ones sometimes. She thinks she gets it from spending too much time with Izuku.

"Going home?" Froppy asked with her index finger on her on her chin, interrupting Uravity's thoughts

Tsuyu usually works cases by the coast or out at sea with the navy and national guard, but sometimes she helps the land dwellers when they need an extra hand. She was always happy to help especially in this situation. The greenette cared deeply for all of her friends so there was no way she was going to deny the request when it was sent to her. She left her post in good hands with the new recruits. Though she works under Tamaki and Mirio her third boss is Sirius since the woman took over for Selkie who had to retire his sea legs because of his health.

Cherry Bomb jolted looking panicked.
"Oh hell no!" She spun around to run the other way only to be faced with Ingenium and Creati

"We have some questions." Ingenium told her firmly

"I ain't answerin' nothin' you "knight in shinin' armor" wannabe!" Cherry Bomb shouted

"How rude." Creati said as the dark woman bolted down an alley only to be met with a wall of ice blocking the other end

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