Confessions of an Explosive Mind.

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~Hello everyone! I'm back, excited and just wanna say thank you for waiting for me. I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it's kinda filler and a few more after this will be too lol. Anyways though we'll be back to our weekly post schedule so look out for new chapters every Monday (for me I post on Monday idk what day it might be for you sorry). Hope you continue to enjoy! See you next chapter!~

"Good Morning Kacchan!" Izuku said as he slid opened the blonde's hospital room door

He had taken the day off to spend a whole day with Katsuki. Which he was super excited about because he had a little date planned for the two of them.

"Hey Nerd." The other answered from where he was standing at the end of his bed

Izuku entered the room with a tilt of his head.
"You're already up?" He asked setting down his basket on the bed

Katsuki nodded.
"Yeah, trying to get some stretching in." He said grabbing the railing at the end of the bed

The blonde was surprised to see Izuku at the hospital so early but definitely not disappointed. He looked cute in his dumb "nurse" shirt and shorts. If only the shorter would show up in a sexy nurse outfit. Izuku on the other hand was trying not to remember how flexible Katsuki is. No dirty thought today he told himself before the other started talking.

"What are you doing here so early, don't you have patrol?" Katsuki asked walking around the bed towards the other

He noticed the basket but didn't question it just yet.

"Nope. I took the day off so we could go for a walk." Izuku smiled with his arms behind his back respectfully

Katsuki frowned.
"Am I a dog now?" He asked

Izuku rolled his eyes playfully.
"Well you do act like one sometimes." He pointed out

"Oi!" Katsuki said offended

Izuku only surged forward and carefully hugged the tall blonde.
"Just teasing." He giggled

Katsuki had to resist the urge to crush Izuku in a deadly hug because he was too damn cute. It didn't help that the smaller was well small and had a baby face. Granted he has aged some not much. Katsuki sometimes wondered if Izuku was immortal and didn't tell him but he knows that to be untrue since they have childhood memories together.

"Anyway why don't we go walk in the hospital's garden area. It's a nice day out. We can even have a morning picnic." Izuku suggested as he looked up to the red eyes with his big green ones

Katsuki frowned questioningly.
"This a date? Picnic date?" He asked after glancing at the backet then back to his boyfriend

Izuku slowly let go and took a small step back to separate them.
"It can if you want it to be." He said leaning a hand on the bed

Katsuki looked to the side.
"Damn, you move fast." He muttered

Izuku did move fast. He had preplanned a whole date for them while Katsuki was busy doing stretches. How lame and what an inattentive boyfriend he must be right now. The smaller realized this might have been too forward. Maybe Katsuki wasn't ready for this kind of thing yet.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was this too much?" Izuku rubbed the back of his neck nervously glancing to the floor

Katsuki immediately shook his head.
"No I didn't mean it like that." He said grabbing Izuku's wrists making him blush

As the blonde looked down at the scarred hands he's seen and touched many times.
"I just. Being in the hospital makes it where I can't do much. I feel like I'm lacking." He said honestly

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