Kacchan's Merch.

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-~Real world~-


"Kacchan, wake up..."

"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted

"What!?" Katsuki's eyes ripped open with a frown

"Breakfast is ready." Izuku smiled from cheek to cheek as he leaned over the blonde

"Huh?" Katsuki sat up as the other moved out of his way

"I made breakfast, you gotta get up though. We have parol in a few hours unless you wanna stay home. You can stay here if you want." Izuku offered

"Why are you in my house?" Katsuki murmured, rubbing the sleep from his eyes

Izuku laughed lightly.
"Kacchan we're in my apartment. You came over last night remember?" He asked

Katsuki looked to the side suddenly remembering the events of last night.
"Oh yea... uh can we not... talk about it?" He asked

"It's okay Kacchan, I won't say anything." Izuku shook his head

The shorter knew the blonde wouldn't want anyone to find out about him showing up at his house in such a "weak and vulnerable" state.

"Thanks." Katsuki said quietly with a sigh

"So parfait?" Izuku tilted his head changing the subject

"You know how to make parfaits?" Katsuki looked up at the other, raising an eyebrow

"Yea! I've been eating them in the morning because they're quick to make, to eat, and they're healthy." Izuku said brightly

Katsuki smirked.
"So that's why you wanted me to teach you how to make homemade yogurt."

Izuku researched recipes, but every time he made it by himself it turned out awful. He was confused because he was great at making sweets! So few weeks before Izuku asked Katsuki to show him out to make yogurt. He knew the blonde was an excellent cook. Katsuki agreed and told Izuku to show up at his house after work. Izuku was worried about being with Katsuki and Yo Shindou. He knew Shindou didn't like Katsuki being around him, but apparently he wasn't home that day.

Now looking back he was probably off with his ex. It was a good day for Izuku at least because he got to spend time with Katsuki outside of work. Every since he and Yo started date Katsuki didn't really come over Izuku's house much or want to hang out. Izuku understood, but it hurt a little.

Izuku shrugged.
"It's much cheaper. C'mon Kacchan you gotta get up." He said pulling on the blonde's strong arm

Katsuki got up.
"Yea, yea, I'm coming. Quit nagging me." He said as the freckled man let go and sped to the kitchen

Katsuki followed and sat down at the small table for two as Izuku grabbed the parfait from the counter and slid it across the table as he sat down too.
"Here you go! Tell me how it tastes." He said sticking a spoon in his yogurt

Katsuki looked at his yogurt then scooped his first bite into his mouth.
"It's good. Really good. Damn." He sounded surprised

Praise from Katsuki didn't happen often even with friends so it made Izuku feel butterflies when the blonde complimented him on something.

Izuku smiled.
"Really! You like it?" He asked looked over at the other

Katsuki looked at Izuku and nodded.
"Yea, Nerd." He said with a content smile

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