He's A Cheater.

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After getting something to eat everyone found a place to sit and talked amongst themselves. Izuku was sitting on the floor near Katsuki and Hanta who were on the couch behind him. The blonde was even participating in their small talk for once and things were good until Hanta started being too handsy for Katsuki's liking. First he was messing with Izuku's hair then he was sitting next to Izuku on the floor laughing at his stupid jokes and lastly, but worst of all Hanta was whispering shit in Izuku's ear. Katsuki kept his mouth shut until the raven haired guy touched Izuku's lower back telling him something then got up to head to the kitchen.

The blonde got up to head to the kitchen and give the other a piece of his mind. Izuku didn't really notice all the intimate contact. It didn't make him uncomfortable because Hanta didn't make him feel unsafe. He's known him since high school and Izuku knows the other would never do anything to make him feel uneasy. He was just a touchy guy, but so was Eijirou, Denki, and even Shouto at times. Granted they didn't play with his hair or whispered jokes in his ear just to get giggles out of him but that doesn't mean Hanta was bad.

Izuku noticed Katsuki stood up so he looked over his shoulder at him.
"Everything okay Kacchan?" He questioned

"Yeah, just gonna go get another beer." The blonde answered as he stepped around Izuku

"Oh can you get me one too?" He asked

Katsuki nodded.
"Sure. I'll be right back." He said ruffling the other's curls making him smile

Good. As he should. The way he touched Izuku's hair was much better than whatever Hanta did. He knew the smaller longer therefore he knew the right way to do it. Izuku even leaned into his touch so clearly his technique is way better than Hanta's. Katsuki was just that good. He can't help it.

"Okay!" Izuku nodded

Katsuki grunted in reply as he beelined for the kitchen where he saw Hanta getting something out of his refrigerator. His eyes narrowed as he approached the lanky guy who was trying to steal his boyfriend.

"Oi can I talk to you for a second?" He said and the other could see him in the stainless steel surface of the refrigerator door that was just closed

Hanta turned around and nodded.
"Sure man whassup?" He replied like he hadn't been plotting to steal his Izuku

It only made Katsuki more irritated as he watched the other look for the bottle opener in one of the drawers where he knew it would be. All of his friends have been in his house one time or another. He's honestly surprised any of them remembered where things were.

"Back off." The blonde said

Hanta glanced over at him while his hand was still in the draw.
"Uh what?" He asked

Katsuki gritted his teeth as he opened a different drawer and pulled the bottle opener out to hand it over.
"You heard me back off." The blonde told him

Hanta hesitantly took the bottle opener.
"Thank you." He said opening his beer then setting both the cap and the opener on the counter next to him after he shut the drawer he had opened

"But I literally don't know what you mean though, Kats." The raven haired guy added with a shake of his head just before he took a sip of his beer

Katsuki glared at the other who was about the same height as him.
"The touchin' and the secrets. Izuku's datin' me, not you. So hands off Tape Face." He warned

"What- oh shit." Hanta's eyes went wide as he realized what the other was getting at

The raven haired guy waved his hands frantically after putting his beer down.
"No Katsuki, I wasn't... I wasn't trying to make a move on Izuku." He shook his head

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