Breakfast is Healing.

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After calming down and making sure Katsuki put an ice pack on his bruised cheek, which he wasn't happy about, Izuku took Shouto upstairs to the guest room where they talked for a while. Some of it was about Inasa but the rest was just about regular things. They laid on the bed together looking up at the ceiling. It was getting late and they were winding down so eventually they just went quiet. Izuku liked having Shouto's company. Even if there wasn't much talking just having him around is a lot of support and Izuku always wished he could have returned that more so now that he can he'll do it as much as Shouto needs.

"Izuku?" The two tone haired guy asked

"Yeah?" Izuku replied

"Um are you tired?" Shouto turned his head to his left to look at his friend

"No. Well maybe a little but I can stay up." Izuku looked over at him too

Shouto's eyes glanced down.
"Don't you have an early shift tomorrow?"

"Yeah but I'm a night owl so I never get much sleep anyway." Izuku giggled

"I understand that." Shouto nodded turning his head back towards the ceiling

"Not that I would mind you sleeping in here with me but don't you think Katsuki would prefer it if you slept with him?" He asked

Izuku shrugged.
"Oh I'm sure he would, but if you need me Shouchan-"

Shouto sat up looking over at him again.
"Izuku, I'm a grown man. I can handle sleeping by myself." He told him

Izuku jolted then sat up too waving his hands frantically.
"I know that. I wasn't trying to say you can't." He retorted worried he made the other upset

Shouto's stony features softened.
"I know, but I also know that you are probably feeling like you need to be here for me. I really appreciate it but I would rather we just go on about our business." He said looking down at the bed

"I cried it out. I... I don't want to wallow over him anymore." He shook his head

Izuku looked at Shouto. On one hand he completely understood not wanting to cry more tears over someone who clearly didn't give a shit about you. He's had experience on that with his father. Then on the other hand a relationship like this is not something you can just get over in a few hours no matter how hard you try. It would be difficult for Shouto to heal but letting him do so his own way is the first step.

The shorter just nodded with a small smile.
"Okay if you need us you know where we are." He said picking up Dyna who had been sleeping between them only for Shouto to stop him

"Dyna can stay... if that's alright." He told him

Izuku nodded, setting Dyna back on the bed where she immediately curled back up.
"Of course it is." He replied

Shouto moved to his knees and hugged his friend.
"Goodnight Izuku." He said

Izuku closed his eyes and smiled.
"Goodnight Shouchan." He replied softly hugging the other in return

After that Izuku left the room and wandered to Katsuki's room which was also technically his room too since he only ever slept in there. He was a little happy to see Katsuki was still up. The blonde was sitting up in bed with a pillow behind his back against the headboard as he read a book with his red framed glasses. Katsuki's red eyes flickered up when he heard the door shut and saw Izuku walk towards the opposite side of the bed from where the blonde was sitting. The beside lamp was the only thing illuminating the room for them since Katsuki was using it to read his book.

"You're not gonna sleep with Shou?" The blonde asked getting his bookmark off the nightstand and putting it in his book so he wouldn't lose his place

Izuku shook his head watching Katsuki take off his glasses.
"No, he's fine now. Well he's going to sleep on his own." He shrugged

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