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-~Dream World~-

Over the month Katsuki went to many doctors both official and well not. He didn't exactly trust the other types of "doctors" but he needed to get to the bottom of what was wrong and they actually listened when others thought he was just crazy. It would've been helpful if all of them hadn't said the same thing. There was nothing wrong with the blonde. He was apparently totally fine. Katsuki couldn't wrap his head around it. There was clearly something wrong and he felt like he was being gaslighted by people he didn't know. He friends and fellow heroes didn't believe him and his parents didn't believe him. Katsuki wasn't even sure Izuku believed him.

Speaking of Izuku the smaller was sitting next to him on the couch as they watched TV. He had gotten more cuddly after they kissed that one time. Katsuki didn't really mind even though it felt off. I liked it but it felt strange and the blonde couldn't figure out why. He's been feeling like that a lot more lately too. Feeling strange, familiar yet unfamiliar with something at the same time. A constant state of déjà vu. Then he realized he actually doesn't know much about Izuku. Only small things like the fact he likes All Might, hero documentaries, and katsudon. He also knew two big things like the fact that his mother died and that he was a stripper turned Prostitute. Oh there was also the thing with Shouto, Inasa, Ochako, and Himiko. That made Katsuki frown with jealousy.

"Deku, can I ask you something?" The taller questioned

He wanted to get to know Izuku better, but he also thought that maybe there's a reason his dreams and or visions revolve around the smaller in some way. There had to be a reason so what better way to find out than doing what he does best. Work.

"Of course Kacchan. You can ask me anything." Izuku nodded as he looked over at the other

Katsuki paused for a second to think about what he wanted to ask.
"You know how I've been having those weird visions and dreams? I've been to a few doctors about it." He said

"Yeah, but you said they weren't helpful." Izuku shrugged

"I was thinking... maybe the best way to figure out what's going on is to ask the person they're about." Katsuki stated

Izuku looked at him quizzically.
"And that person's me." He said understanding

"Yeah." Katsuki nodded with a sigh

Izuku looked down at his lap.
"I'm not sure how I can help, but ask whatever you need." He said encouragingly as he looked back up at Katsuki with a small smile

Katsuki nodded again.
"Alright, let's start with where we're you born?" He said

"Near the Shizuoka Prefecture." Izuku answered promptly

"Why does that matter though?" He tilted his head

"Routine questions." Katsuki shrugged

Izuku grinned.
"Am I being interrogated?" He giggled

"Sort of." Katsuki nodded

"Okay then continue Mr. Dynamight." Izuku said teasingly

"What school did you go to?.. before high school I mean." Katsuki crossed his arms

"Aldera Junior high." Izuku said with a curt nod

Katsuki frowned.
"So we were probably born in the same area and went to the same school, but we never saw each other?" He muttered, staring off at nothing

Izuku nodded.
"Yeah, it's weird. I think I would remember seeing you Kacchan." He said, leaning his head on the taller's arm

Katsuki looked over at him again.
"Who did you hang out with in Junior high?" He questioned

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