Trials and Tribulations.

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Katsuki took in a deep breath as he felt someone touch his arm when he looked over he saw Sansa withdrawing his hand looking apologetic. The police officer was always very kind to them even when they were younger and dealing with becoming heroes. Katsuki has respect for him even though they don't interact that much except when at the station or when Tsukauchi was around. They were together after all which meant they were well always together.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say that you can leave whenever you want to. You're not obligated to do this at all but we thank you for the help." The feline said

Katsuki sighed and nodded.
"Thanks and I know, but I gotta do this."

Sansa had a look of understanding.
"I get it." He replied and bowed his head

Katsuki gulped and grabbed the handle of the door, turning it until he could push it open. When he did, the door slowly revealed Yume who was sitting at a metal table with his cuffs chained to it. The table was bolted to the ground of course. Yume looked over when the door opened and their eyes met. Red meeting pink. The heat under his anger got hotter. Katsuki stepped in after schooled his face and shut the door. His teeth gritted when he heard the other speak. It was hard to hear his voice and hold back all his emotions that boiled underneath his pale skin.

"I'm surprised you agreed to this." Yume said mellowly as he sat his arms out on the table

His voice always sounded smooth and seductive or just calming. Guess that helped when it came to his job. The blonde is sure he used it to his advantage but Katsuki couldn't really blame him. You have to do what you have to do to make it through sometimes.

Katsuki turned around after counting in his head a few times.
"I'm surprised you asked." He retorted bitterly

"Well I wouldn't have had to if you died." Yume shrugged, sounding incredibly insensitive

Katsuki narrowed his eyes.
"Why the hell am I here?" He asked

The blonde was done already. If Yume was going to act like that then he doesn't even want to talk to him. He already didn't want to do this so the more excuses he can get to leave he will. Katsuki just won't put up with it.

Yume sighed, conceding his previous attitude it seems.
"Mostly because I wanted to see you. Though you look the same, granted it's been almost a I nearly killed you." He looked the blonde up and down then at the table

Katsuki crossed his arms, this wasn't being insensitive or sarcastic. He was just stating the truth this time even if it wasn't something you should just say to someone. Yume never had a filter though.
"Trials take a long ass time." He retorted

Yume cut his eyes at the taller.
"I realized that." He said then sighed

"I also just wanted to chat. Apologize actually." The shorter told him

Katsuki frowned.
"Apologize?" He questioned

Yume nodded then gestured to the chair across from him.
"Sit and I'll explain."

"No." Katsuki flat out said

Yume rolled his eyes again.
"C'mon Kacchan don't be stubborn." He shook his head

Katsuki's face twisted up in anger.
"I told you never to call me that." He pointed at the other

Yume frowned like a petulant child.
"Oh, is that still reserved for Grand and Deku." He said as if mad about not having the privilege

Though Shindou never called him that except when they were in public or with friends. In fact he hated that Izuku called Katsuki that all the time and the blonde never got onto him for such a nickname. He never understood why. For him the only reason he ever let Izuku keep calling him Kacchan is because through their bad times it was about the only thing left of their bond. It was something Katsuki just couldn't make Izuku give up because he didn't want him to. He never hated the nickname and he never had the heart to tell Izuku off when he called him Kacchan.

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