Chapter 15- A date?

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Kenzie's POV

After a little while I get up off my bed, then I look through my clothes for something to wear.

I decide to wear shorts and a white sweater. I get dressed, then I go into the bathroom. I brush out my hair then I put it in a side fishtail braid. I put on a little makeup and then I go back into my room. I put on a necklace and a pair of earrings, and then I sit on my bed.

I grab my phone and I look at the time. It's almost 4, so I'll just wait for Carter to come to my room saying that we are leaving. I sit on my bed playing games on my phone for a couple minutes, but then Carter knocks on my door.

"Come in!" I yell.

Carter walks in and he smiles at me.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." I say.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just put on my shoes." I say getting up from my bed.

I put my phone in my back pocket, then I put on my one pair of flip flops.

I turn around and walk over to Carter. We walk out of the room tougher and we go downstairs. Carter leads me into the living room where we see the guys.

"I'm taking Kenzie out for a couple hours. We'll be back later." Carter says.

The guys all look at us and they say "Okay", then Carter & I walk out of the room.

We walk outside and go over to the garage. I follow Carter over to his Range Rover and he holds the door open for me, and I get in.

Carter closes the door and then he gets in the drivers side. He starts his car and turns on the radio, then he looks over at me and I look at him. He has a small smile on his face and then he turns away from me, and pulls out of the garage & out of the driveway.

He starts driving and we just listen to the radio, making small conversation with each other.

He knows so much about me, but I have yet to figure out anything about him. He won't tell me really anything about him, but I want to know. I'll just have to figure out a way to get him to tell me more about himself.

Carter pulls up to a mini golf place and he parks the car. We both get out of the car and Carter takes my hand in his. He walks in front of me, like he's being protective, and we walk up to a small building. Carter pays for us to play mini golf and we get two golf clubs & two balls.

We go to the first hole and Carter lets me go first. I take my turn and then he does his, it takes us each 2 times to get the ball in.

We go through each hole, just laughing and talking about stuff, and we get to the last hole after a while. It's been maybe an hour.

We finish our game and we return our golf clubs, then Carter pulls me into the small ice cream shop that's at the mini golf course.

"You can get whatever you want." Carter says, smiling at me.

"Okay." I say smiling.

I get what I want and then he gets something too. We go over an sit down at one of the small, 2-person tables along the wall.

We start eating our ice cream and we talk about random things.

"Kenzie?! Hey!" I hear someone yell.

I look up and so does Carter. It's my one friend Emily. She's here with a couple other people.

She starts to walk over to us and Carter asks me who she is, and I say "It's my friend Emily."

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