Chapter 6

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"Wake up princess." Carter says shaking my shoulder a little.

I open my eyes and look at him. I'm still upset because of last night.

"Goodmorning sunshine." Carter says.

I look at my hand that's handcuffed to the headboard & then I look back at Carter. He finds the key in the nightstand & he unlocks the handcuffs.

"I guess you're wondering why I woke you up."

I nod my head yes.

"We have to drive to the other side of the town, and I have to meet with this guy at 11am. We have to leave in an hour." Carter says.

"Okay." I say.

Carter walks with me down to "my room" and he turns to walk out the door, but stops.

"Wear anything I bought you the other day. Be ready in a hour when I come to get you."
Carter says, then he leaves the room, pulling the door shut behind him.

I choose to wear a pair of black shorts and a red crop top. It's actually decent looking. The shorts aren't too tight or too short, and the crop top doesn't really show any cleavage or anything.

I put my shorts and crop top on, then I go into the bathroom. I brush out my hair and then I put it in a fishtail braid to the side. I get my makeup out of my purse and I put on simple makeup. Just a little eyeliner and mascara.
I brush my teeth and then I go back out into the room.

I put on red Vans and I put on a pair of hoop earrings.

There is a knock on my door and Carter walks in. He didn't even wait for an answer. He just walked in.

"Are you ready?" Carter asks.

"Yeah." I say.

He walks out of the room, expecting me to follow, which I do. I follow Carter into his garage and he walks over to his motorcycle.

He grabs two helmets and gives me the one, & he takes the other. I'm hesitant to put it on.

My cousin died in a motorcycle accident a couple months ago. My cousin and I were pretty close. He took me out for a ride on his motorcycle the day before he died in an accident. I was so upset and I haven't been on a motorcycle since that day. I'm too scared to be on one again.

"What are you waiting for?" Carter asks me.

"I can't." I say, as I feel my eyes get watery.

"What do you mean, love?"

"M-my cousin d-died in a motorcycle accident..." I say quietly.

He gets off his motorcycle and stands in front of me. He puts his finger under my chin and makes me look at him.

"I'm sorry, love." Carter says.

"It'll be alright, nothing will happen. I told you I would keep you safe." Carter says.


"It will be okay Kenzie. You can trust me." Carter says.

I start laughing at him and he looks at me confused.

"Me? Trusting you? You have got to be kidding me." I say.

"Kenzie, please get on the motorcycle. Everything will be okay." Carter says.

I look at him and then at the motorcycle & I bite my lip.

"Fine" I say.

Carter pulls me over to his motorcycle and he helps me out my helmet on. He gets on the motorcycle and I get on behind him.

"Should I just-" I say, trying to figure out where to put my hands on him.

"Just wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight. Don't let go." Carter says.

I wrap my arms around his waist tightly and he starts up his motorcycle. He pulls out of his garage slowly and then he goes fast down the street.

I hold onto Carter tightly and he's going really fast. He's swerving in and out of cars too. He's scaring me.

We finally pull into a parking lot and there is a car parked a couple feet from where Carter stops his motorcycle. He gets off his motorcycle and tells me to get off too. He takes off his helmet and I take off mine, then I fix my hair a little.

Carter grabs my arm and pulls me behind him over to the car. A guy gets out of the car and he's scary looking.

Carter talks to him about something and the guy hands Carter a gun, and he hands him a plastic bag also.

Carter has a gun now...he probably has more than one...holy shit.

Carter nods his head at the guy and he gets back in his car, then he drives off. Carter pulls me back over to his motorcycle and he opens up one of the storage boxes on the back. He puts the gun and the plastic bag in it, then he makes sure it's all the way closed.

He puts on his helmet and I put on mine, then I get on the motorcycle behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly. He starts up the motorcycle and we go back to the house. Carter pulls the motorcycle into the garage and we both get off it, taking off our helmets. Carter grabs the gun and the bag out of the box, and he tells me to follow him.

"Sit down in the living room. I want to talk to you. I'll be right back." Carter says, walking away from me.

I find the living room and I take a seat on the sofa. What could he want to talk to me about?

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