Chapter 7

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I look around the room and I realize that it isn't very scary or dark looking. There's pictures on the walls and paintings, along with candles and other things placed around the room. It's actually kind of nice.

Carter comes back into the room and sits on the couch across from the one I'm sitting on.

He just stares at me for a little while but then he finally says something.

"So I've been wanting to talk to you."

"Okay...about what?" I ask.

"You're in school right?"

"Yeah, I'm a junior in high school. Why?" I say.

"How are you a junior if your only 16?"

"I'm turning 17 next Thursday, and it was just the way my birthday was." I say.


"Yeah." I say.

"Are you on your spring break yet?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to go back to school in 3 days...but I don't think-" I say, but Austin cuts me off.

"I'm going to let you go to school-"

"Really?" I ask.

"Let me finish."

I nod my head.

"I'm going to let you go to school, but I will be there everyday when the bell rings to pick you up. You can not tell anyone about me kidnapping you. You have to tell them I'm your boyfriend if anybody asks. If you say anything else, you'll regret it."

"Okay. What if my friends want to hang out?" I ask.

"If that happens, I'll decide what to do...but you cannot make plans unless if I tell you that you can. I'm going to let you get some of your things from your house too and maybe you could convince your parents to let you move in with me."

"My parents don't care about me." I say quietly.

"Would your parents let you come stay with me?"

"They won't care..." I say.

"Alright. Well tomorrow we'll go to your house in the afternoon and you can get anything you want, okay?"

"Okay." I say.

It's silent for a couple minutes and I just look down at my lap.


"Yeah?" I say.

"Do you hate being here?"

"Of course I do. I mean, you kidnapped me." I say.

"I know you hate me..."

"I don't necessarily hate you...but I'm not saying I like you either." I say.

"Alright. Well is there anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable here?"

"Um well my room-" I say.

"What about your room?"

"It's kind of really dark and depressing..." I say quietly, not wanting to piss him off.

"There's another room I can let you's a little less dark, I think." Carter says with a small chuckle.

"Okay." I say.

"Is there anything else?"

"Um...are you going to let me have my phone back? I mean so I can text you while I'm in school..." I say.

"Yes, I will give you your phone back. I am going to put my number in your phone so whenever I text you, you better answer. I'll let you talk to your friends but you can not say anything about me to them, or I'll punish you."

"What if I'm in class when you text me...?" I say.

"Thats true...Okay I want to know the times that your classes begin and end, and how long in between them you have. So I can text you then instead of when you're in class."

"Why are you letting me go to school Carter? You kidnapped me." I say.

"I don't want to take you away from getting your education. I don't want you to fail your classes. I want you to do good in high school. Or if you're saying that you don't want to go to school, then you can drop out. I'm not stopping you...but I'm just saying that it would mean you would be with me more...which I don't have a problem with."

"Okay, I'll um go to school. I was just wondering." I say.


"What time is it?" I ask.

"A little after 12. Do you want lunch?"

"Sure." I say and Carter stands up.

"Lets go out to lunch. C'mon." Carter says reaching his hand down.

I take his hand and he pulls me up off the couch. I follow him into his garage and he goes over to a red range rover.

He opens the front door for me and I get in, then he gets in the drivers side.

"So, pizza or McDonald's?"

"I don't care, wherever you want to go." I say.

Carter starts his car and drives down the road, and he pulls up to a pizza place. I've been here before. It's like my favorite pizza place in Miami.

Carter parks his car and we both get out, then we walk inside.

I follow Carter over to a two-person table and we both sit down.

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