Ch.38 Yeah, what he said

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Nico's P.O.V

Waking up has never been my favourite part of the day until now. I opened my eyes, barely registering the figure lying beside me. The fact that they were so close to me didn't fully hit me until I noticed the arm slung over my chest. I blinked a few times just to be sure that it wasn't another one of those dreams. It wasn't. This was really happening. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks at the sight of my drooling boyfriend, looking so much like himself. Not the heroic mask he puts on in battle, but the carefree doofus who isn't afraid to say what's on his mind. My percy. I felt a grin slip its way onto my face at the thought. I didn't have to worry about other girls or boys looking at him just that split second too long any longer. I breathed in his salty scent and felt myself relax. It was involuntary at this point, my body just responded to him with or without my permission.

His arm slowly began to pull me towards him and in my relaxed state, I didn't see any reason to deny his wishes. I let myself be dragged backwards until my back exploded with heat that radiated off Percy's chest. He quickly closed me into an embrace and it took I had not to whip around and lay my lips on his.

"You have a good sleep?" Percy's morning voice was what pushed me over the edge. I twisted my position so we were facing each other and without a moments hesitation, pulled him into a kiss. Morning breath didn't even cross my mind as I kissed him. He smelled like home and whenever we were together the little things didn't matter. I felt the tenderness of his lips and knew that there was no place I'd rather be. Percy may be cocky sometimes, but he knew how to treat a guy. We pulled away and for a few minutes, science filled the room. We were too busy looking at each other that words didn't dare break the moment.

Finally, Percy spoke. "I take it you slept well then."

"I always sleep well with you." I smiled at him.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "That's good to hear, but you know what else I hear? My stomach rumbling. Let's head to breakfast?"

"Sounds like a plan." I replied as I got out of the warm embrace of the bed.

"Oh! Speaking of plans, you know what we're doing after breakfast, right?"

"Like I'd forget that you were getting your lip pierced today! And we get to see your mom too!" I replied as I tugged the pair of jeans I'd worn yesterday on. We'd ended up returning to Percy's cabin to play checkers and then spent the rest of the night too wrapped up in each other to go back to my cabin.

"Hey, I'm not the only one getting something done today! You're getting some pink streaks, or do you want another colour?" Percy slipped his camp halfblood shirt on as he spoke, muffling his words a little bit.

"What colour do you think suits me?" I asked, still unsure when I was flirting or not.
Percy scratched his chin for a few seconds before replying. "Stick with pink, it'll stand out against your dark hair... I sound like Magnus Bane! When did I become so flamboyant?"

"Magnus Bane?" I asked, adjusting my skull shirt on my shoulders.

"He's a character that Annabeth always quoted. I can get the first book from her if you want, though be warned, you might just fall in love with the series." Percy explained.

"That'd be great actually, I've been looking for a good series to read." I began tying my left shoe.

Percy slipped his foot into his sneakers without even untying it. "I'll talk to her about it when we get back, now let's go! We're already late for breakfast and I don't want to get my lip pierced on an empty stomach."

I chuckled. "I don't think you'd be able to function on an empty stomach."

"Finally! Someone understands!" Percy threw his hands up with a sly grin on his face before erupting into laughter, giggles bubbling out of him like lava.

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