Ch.14 Body Heat

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It was great to hear about all of your reasons why you wanted which godly parent! I would personally choose Hades because I don't mind being alone as much as I probably should. Anyways, on to the next chapter. (which by the way, I am updating at midnight, just for you guys.)


Percy's P.O.V

Nemo was just about to touch the boat, when the slight sound of snores filled the air. I glanced over to Nico and was met with the most adorable sight. He had his head on his hands with his mouth barely open. His feet were loosely crossed as if they would separate at any second. For the first time, his face held no signs of pain or weariness, he looked innocent. All the hardships he had to endure were no longer evident on his face. He looked much younger as well. I allowed my eyes to travel a bit lower to where my hoodie had slightly raised up. There was a sliver of skin visible around his waist, and for some reason, I couldn't tear my eyes away. I was caught in a trance. By the time I did manage to look away, and back to the screen, Nemo had been reunited with his dad. I had missed the majority for Nico, and I wasn't even upset. I'm beginning to think that I would do quite a lot of things for Nico.

The credits began to roll as I stood up carefully, so as to not wake up Nico. If I knew one thing, it was to never wake up the son of Hades. I tiptoed to the garbage and threw out the rest of the popcorn. It's not like I was going to eat it later or anything. My feet took me back to the blanket on the floor. I sat down and took a quick look at the clock. 4:45. I guess we missed lunch... My eyes found themselves looking back at Nico again, and I unconsciously found myself running my fingers through his hair as he slept. It just felt natural.

I stayed in that position until the horn sounded for dinner. Should I wake him up? He definitely needs to eat, but is it worth making him in a bad mood? I weighed the pros and cons for a few minutes before making my decision. I lightly shook Nico's shoulder in an attempt to wake him, but I got no response.

"Hey Nico, we have to go to dinner now." I whispered in his ear.

"Now?" He mumbled.

"Yes, now." I smirked, as he slowly blinked his eyes before rising into a sitting position. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... After a few minutes of stretching and yawning, he stood up. He looked down at his clothes for a brief moment before reaching for his dirty ones.

"It's okay if you wear mine. I wasn't kidding, the color really does look good on you." I smiled.

"Oh... okay... Thanks." He mumbled as he put his clothes back on the floor.

"I'll even wash them, and bring them back to your cabin for you later." I smiled, proud of myself for thinking of a reason to see him again tonight.

"Erm... That'd be great." He said as he rocked back and forth anxiously.

"Well, we better go. Don't want to be late, do we?" I smiled as I walked past him, grabbing his hand at the last second. After I was sure he was out of my cabin, I shut the door with my other hand, and then began making my way to the pavilion for dinner. Nico had shorter legs than me, so I made sure not to walk too fast. He was probably still tired from his match, and I didn't want to tire him out before we got there.

As we entered the pavilion, Nico's hand slipped from mine as he made his way to the Hades table. On my way to the Poseidon table I caught up with Annabeth who informed me about the matches I had missed. Apparently I had missed a good fight between the Demeter cabin and the Aphrodite cabin, which ended with a win for Piper. She was happy to inform me about her win over Leo as well. I congratulated her, and then slipped past her, as my stomach reminded me that I had skipped lunch. I asked my plate for some blue macaroni and cheese, and then promptly scraped some into the fire for my dad. I ended up scarfing the rest down, anxious to spend more time with a certain Ghost king.

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