Ch.18 Do you have a thing for Nico?

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Hi, I'm updating on my computer again, so sorry about the strange spacing or spelling mistakes. :) By the way, thanks for almost 5000 reads! I am still freaking out over that. haha. Anyways. please enjoy the chapter. :)


Nico's P.O.V 

The first thing I heard were the voices. For once, they weren't saying anything mean, instead they sounded worried. I somehow found the energy to open my eyes, and I wasn't sure how to react to what I saw. Standing in front of me was my father, Jason, and Percy. I closed my eyes quickly hoping they hadn't noticed, but when have I ever been lucky? 

"Nico? Are you awake?" The worried voice of Percy asked. Even though I was, I didn't have the energy to verbally answer him. Instead, I simply stuck up my thumb, showing him I was infact awake. 

"What happened?" Jason asked with curiosity evident in his voice. I was already exhausted by this human contact, and for once my father covered for me.

"He overexerted himself, by shawdow travelling all the way here in one go. I think that due to the state of his health, it effected him even more than usual." 

"Oh." Was all Jason could say. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, during which I began to drift off to sleep again, but the sound of Percy's voice sent my mind racing a mile a minute.

"I think he looks cute when he's sleeping... Did I just say that outloud?" 

"I think you did." Jason smirked. 

"I'll be leaving now." I heard my father say, right before I heard the door to my room slam shut. Finally I can get some sleep, I thought to myself. I was almost asleep for the second time, when Jason decided to break the silence that I so desperately craved.

"So, do you have a thing for Nico?" 

"Well..." Percy replied. Finally, my body couldn't stay awake any longer and I felt my consiousness slip away. 

Percy's P.O.V 

"Is that a yes or no Jackson?" Jason smirked. I felt the blush on my cheeks get even brighter. Should I tell him? I guess it couldn't hurt. 

"Yes." I replied, anxious for his reaction. 

"That's great! You have no clue how much I ship Pernico!" Jason exclaimed, a little too loud for my liking.

"Be quiet! I don't want to wake up Nico... Wait! Where?" I asked, confused.

"What?" Jason questioned. 

"Where are you shipping us?" I asked. 

"What? Oh! No, I'm not physically shipping you two anywhere. Shipping is just this thing that Piper explained to me. It's when-"

"-Forget I asked." I interrupted, not really wanting to know what goes on in his head. I walked up to Nico's bed, and sat down in one of the chairs Hades must have put beside his bed. I hope Nico's okay. I felt a strong need to protect the younger boy that lay, white as snow, in the bed beside me. I felt as if we were connected in some strange way. A few seconds passed before I felt a rush of air, letting me know that Jason had taken a seat in the other chair beside me. 

"Do you think he'll be alright?" I asked Jason.

"I'm sure that after a bit of rest, he'll be feeling better." Jason smiled, but I could hear a nervous worry hidden behind his confident words. I just hope Nico starts feeling better soon. 


I think that was a short update, but I can't really tell because I'm using a computer. In other news, my sister and I started another account called Shippedtothemax. So far, we only have three chapters of a Johnlock fanfic posted, but there will be different ones being posted soon. If you could check it out, I would seriously love you forever! It's called "Sorrow", in which John is trying to move on from Sherlocks suposed death, and Sherlock is trying to stay away from John, but still struggles with the distance that he's had to put between them. My sister writes the John chapters, while I write the Sherlock chapters. :) Anywho, if you do end up checking it out, I would love if you left a comment on this chapter to let me know what you thought of it. :) Please don't hesitate to drop a vote here either hahaha. 

Also, thanks for the suggestions of names for Leo's crush. I still havent picked it out yet, but I really love your suggestions! <3

Question: If you got stuck on an island with one demigod, who would you choose, and why? 

My answer: I would choose Nico, because he could just shadow travel us off the island. Plus, he is gorgeous and smart, and I relate to him in many ways. :P 

Next chapter should be up fairly soon! :)

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