Ch.21 What time is it?

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Hey there guys, I’m sorry about the long wait, I’ve just been really busy. Since my house is up for sale, almost all of my stuff has been put into a storage locker, and my mom is encouraging me to spend my time outdoors. That means no wifi… Luckily, I managed to borrow my sister’s laptop for a few hours, and this is the result.

On another note, I would like to say a huge thank you! This fanfic has gotten over 9000 reads! That’s really hard for me to comprehend, because when I started writing it, I was only doing it out of pleasure. I thought that getting 100 reads would be a dream come true, and now it’s gotten 9K. You guys never stop amazing me. Also, the amount of people who consistently comment is awesome! You guys know who you are! I can’t thank you enough for your support.

Finally, I would like to say good luck. I know that most, or all of you, are starting your school year either now or soon, and I know just how hard it is to find the time to actively read and comment on the many fanfics you read. Trust me, I’ve been there. What I’m trying to say is, Good luck on your school year, and if any of you need someone to talk to, even if it’s just ranting about the amount of homework you have, you can always talk to me. My instagram account is where I spend a lot of my time, so drop me a direct message at and I’ll be sure to answer you.

Without further ado, here’s chapter 21! J


Nico’s P.O.V

I smiled as Percy rushed in for a hug. I seemed to be smiling a lot more when Percy was around. He wrapped his arms around me as I settled into his warm embrace. When his arms were around me, I felt as if all of my worries drifted away. His arms were like the ocean’s waves, clearing away my mind’s debris, and bringing with them a calm lulling sense of security. I took a few deep breaths, inhaling his scent. I never wanted this moment to end, if time froze forever, I would be alright with it. Reluctantly, Percy started to pull away, bringing my security with him. I felt a small sigh escape my lips as I felt the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks.

“I feel so relieved! Not having to hide part of who I am anymore, especially from you.” Percy admitted. I raised my eyebrow at the last part of his sentence, but didn’t press him for more information. Instead, I decided to ask a question that has been on my mind for a while.

“What time is it?”

Percy gave a small chuckle, as he glanced down at the watch on his left wrist. “Just after nine.”

“Really? I thought for sure it’d be later than that…” I mumbled.

“Nope, you weren’t asleep for that long.”

“Oh.” I replied, before we fell into a comfortable silence. Percy was right, it really was nice not to have to hide part of myself from him. It felt like I was finally free from my small prison cell that had pushed its way into my mind. No longer having to worry about whether or not Percy caught me looking at him for too long, or getting lost in his eyes. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

“You okay?” Percy questioned.

“Yeah, I think I am…” And for once, I wasn’t lying.

Percy’s P.O.V 

I watched as Nico seemed to focus on something out of his line of sight. It was as if he was caught in a trance. I was about to snap him out of it, but I decided against it, once I realized that he looked at peace. He wasn’t constantly fiddling with his fingers, or tapping his foot against the ground. In fact, the only sign that he was alive was the slight rise and fall of his chest. I felt a smile tug its way onto my face, as I realized that for once, Nico was truly happy.

I slowly rose from my chair, deciding to leave Nico to his happiness, and made my way out of his room. After silently closing his door, I tried to find Jason. I had to talk to somebody about what had just happened, and seeing as it was a choice of the Lord of the Dead or Jason, I chose the one that didn’t have the power to send me to the fields of punishment.

I ended up running into Jason in Persephone’s garden. Hades had already warned us against touching anything, but that didn’t mean we weren’t allowed to look. I watched as Jason sat down on one of the stone benches along the main path. He seemed to be in his own little world, with a slight smile gracing his lips. I slowly sat down next to him, as to not scare him.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked him. He turned to me sleepily, and his smile grew, as if he was waiting for someone to ask him that.

“Piper.” He replied simply.

“Piper?” I pushed for more information.

“Yeah. All these beautiful crystallized fruit that sparkle and shine even in this dark environment, they remind me of Piper. She’s been through a lot in the short amount of time she’s been on this earth, and yet she still shines her optimistic personality on everyone she comes in contact with.” Jason finished. I stared at him in awe.

“I didn’t know you could be that deep.” I admitted.

“Piper always says that the more she gets close to me, the more my inner romantic comes out.” He smiled sheepishly.

“Honestly, that was one of the cutest things I’ve ever heard. If I didn’t know you, I’d think you were the one who had Aphrodite as their godly parent.” I teased.

“Ha ha, very funny.” He deadpanned.

                We spent the next half hour or so, engulfed in our own thoughts. I figured he had his mind occupied by Piper, while my thoughts kept drifting to a certain son of Hades. How he constantly flicked his hair out of his eyes, when he was distracted. Or how he blushed whenever he was complimented and thought no one could see him. Other times, my thoughts wandered to images of a possible future I could have with Nico included. I thought about all my crazy date ideas, that I’m sure Nico would enjoy. I even thought of a few places I would like to take him. I heard Florida was nice this time of year… Most often though, I thought of simply sitting with Nico and learning more about him and his past. His eyes held so many secrets that I would love to unlock. In a way, Nico was like a giant mystery, and I couldn’t wait to finally figure him out. For all I know, it could take years, but for Nico, I would spend the rest of my life trying to understand him.


There’s chapter 21! Super fluffy, but I kinda owed it to you for the long wait… I know that the opening author’s note was super long, so I’ll keep this one short. J Remember to keep voting and commenting, it really does make me smile! -T

Question: What is the last book you read? (Or are currently reading)

My answer: Fangirl by: Rainbow Rowell. 10/10! If you haven’t already read it, I strongly suggest you do! It felt like she was speaking directly to me.  Also the feels were everywhere!

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