Ch.29 Sure thing, Ghosty

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Percy's P.O.V

I opened my eyes as we broke apart to breathe. That was unexpected! But it was so good! I grinned a goofy grin and I pulled Nico in for a hug. He immediately accepted and we just stood there for a few seconds trying to catch out breaths. It was such a perfect silence that enveloped us, that neither of us wanted to break it.

Eventually, Nico broke the silence, asking to see more of the aquarium, which I quickly agreed to. We started towards the shark area, and at the sight of the hammer head shark, Nico burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"I always pictured them with an actual hammer on their head. I guess I never really thought about what they actually look like." He explained, slowly but surely turning red.

"It's okay, I used to think that cheetahs were only the fastest land animals because they always cheated."

"Really? That's adorable!" Nico cooed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I grinned, to let him know I was only joking.

"Perce? Can we find the jellyfish next?" Nico asked, sounding really excited.

"Sure thing, ghosty." I smirked, as we turned to the left and walked past the octopus tank. At the very end of the hallway, sat the jellyfish tank. Nico's expression turned to see as he observed the aquatic animals.

"They're so deadly, but pretty at the same time." He marvelled.

"Yup. They're tragically beautiful." I summed up.

"That was so poetic of you." Nico smirked.

"Yeah, that's the extent of my poetry. I leave that stuff to Apollo."

"I can barely rhyme, so don't expect any poetry spewing from me." Nico laughed, as we starting walking away from the Jellyfish. We meandered for a while, pausing to look at some exhibits every once in a while. By the time ten o'clock rolled around we had finished up and were standing outside the front waiting to get picked up. Nico shifted so that he was facing me.

"That was the best, and only, date I've ever been on."

"Good, because it's not quite finished. We have to make one more short stop on the way back from to camp." I winked.

"Where are we going?" Nico asked curiously.

"Just wait and see. Oh, Argus is here." I pointed out as the black limo pulled up in front of us. Perfect timing! I help open Nico's door, before running around to my side and jumping in. As I buckled in, the limo began to roll away from the curb. I glanced to Nico to see a gleam in his eye. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy.

"What're you thinking about?" Nico asked me.

I tried not to be cheesy, but it came out that way anyway. "You."

"What about me?" Nico asked, being smart.

"I just haven't ever seen you this happy before." I admitted.

"It must be your personality rubbing off on me." He smiled.

"Yeah right." I stuck my tongue out at him. Just as he was about to reply, the car slowed to a stop. I looked out the window and saw the neon sign. I used to come here after a particularity bad day at school, and now I could share it with Nico.

"We're getting Gelato?" Nico asked, practically bouncing in his seat.

"Yup!" I said as I exited the vehicle. Before I even had time to close my door, Nico was standing beside me. Apparently he really wanted gelato. We walked in the front door and were immediately greeted with a smile, which we both returned. We took a few minutes going over the flavours they had in stock.

"Ready to order?" The lady behind the counter asked politely.

"I think so. Nico, you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, can I get a scoop of the Nutella gelato please?"

"Of course, and for you?" She asked, turning to me.

"I'll get a scoop of banana please."

"Sure thing. You two can sit anywhere you like, and I'll bring you your gelato in a minute." She smiled and began preparing our late night snack. Nico grabbed my hand and beamed at me before pulling me towards the table in the corner. It was small, only made for two people, making it perfect for us. Although my knees hit the underside of the table due to their length, Nico seemed comfortable.

"You know Percy, this had been the best night of my life." Nico looked deep into my eyes.

"The same goes for me. I leaned so many new things about you!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, same goes for you. Who knew you liked gelato too?" Nico laughed.
"And who knew you liked turtles so much?" I chuckled, as the lady brought us our gelato. The next few minutes went by quickly. Between the small talk and the delicious food, it was delightful. Eventually, our gelato bowls emptied and we were forced to return to the limo. The ride home was only able to be described as comfortable. The difference between the start of the date and the end was remarkable. I had been so nervous, I was worried about impressing Nico. Now, I know that even if I stumble or screw up my words, it won't change what Nico thinks about me.

The limo pulled up at the base of half blood hill. It was close to midnight now, and all of the stars were out and shining. I glanced at Nico and saw all of the stars reflecting in his eyes. It was so beautiful, and he was so beautiful. The whole dam night was beautiful, but right now, Nico was taking up all of my attention.

"Percy? Is there some gelato on my face or something?" Nico asked.

I chuckled before answering. "No, just a bit of stardust in your eyes." The corner of Nico's lips reached for the stars as he took in what I said.

"In that case, you're the stardust." Nico replied.

"That was so cheesy!"

"You're right. But I'm not going to take back what I said." He smirked triumphantly.

"Whatever, cheese face." I teased. Instead of retaliating, he simply slipped his arm through mine and began climbing the hill back into camp. I allowed myself to get dragged all the way to the top of the hill before beginning to drag him behind me. I headed to his cabin to drop him off for the night. We arrived all too quickly for my liking. I didn't want this night to end. But in order for a new day to start, one has to end. I followed him right up to his door, and was debating on kissing him goodnight when I felt his lips on mine. I closed my eyes in pleasure and enjoyed the kiss. When we pulled away, Nico was beaming.

"Thank you Percy. It really was a night I'll never forget."

"No problem. Maybe we could do this again sometime?" I asked.

"Of course, and next time, I'm taking you out!" He smirked before coming in for a hug. I quickly accepted it and held him for a few seconds before we broke apart.

"I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast?" I asked.

"Duh!" He replied before stepping into his cabin and turning to face me.

"Good night." I grinned.

"Good night, Perce." He said, before shutting the door. My fingers traced my lips the whole way to my cabin. As I fell asleep, the last thought on my mind was a certain son of Hades.

There's chapter 29! I exploded with fluff and it was just too hard to contain. I apologize for the feels you may be experiencing. :D

You guys need to know just how much I appreciate you. Without you, this story would just be a few thousand words on a couple of pages. You guys helped create the story that's come alive. Thanks again for your support! -Tianne :]

Question: have you ever been on a date?

Bonus question: how many words can you think of off the top of your head that rhyme with love? Don't be afraid to post as many as you can! In fact, I encourage you to try to post as many as you can! :D

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