Ch.16 Persassy

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This chapter is in Percy's point of view so you can figure out what's going through his mind. And because I was feeling mischievous and wanted to build up more suspense for Nico's P.O.V... Hehehe anyways, I hope you enjoy! :) ( ***** means time lapse)


Percy's P.O.V

I watched as Nico disappeared into the shadows. I couldn't move. It was as if one of the Stoll brothers had super-glued my feet to the ground. I couldn't shake the sight of Nico's face as he left. Completely void of all emotions. Then again, I'm assuming so was mine. Not that I could help it, though. After Nico admitted his sexuality, my brain began to malfunction. Part of me was happy that I had a chance with him, while another part of me was just plain shocked at the random outburst of information. In other words, my brain was acting just like me. ADHD. I just can't believe he would just leave after admitting to such a big secret. Did he not trust me?

After a few minutes of silence, my legs figured out how to move again, as I slowly made my way to my cabin, in a daze. Without thinking about it, I lied down in bed and pulled up my covers. My body may have been working fine, but my brain was in as much turmoil as before. The only difference is now the worry had set in. Where had Nico gone? Was it safe? How long would he be gone? My brain kept peppering me with questions that I had no answers to. Eventually, exhaustion took over and I fell into a restless sleep.


I woke up and immediately jumped out of bed. I had to tell somebody about Nico's disappearance. But the question was, who? Annabeth? No, she doesn't know Nico that well. Leo? No, they were never that close. Come to think of it, Nico was never really close to a lot of people. The only person he ever really talked to was Jason. Jason! That's who I'll talk to.

I grabbed a clean t-shirt and quickly swapped it for my dirty one. I didn't even bother to change pants. My jeans still looked alright. Plus, the only person I'd want to impress wasn't even at camp anymore. With that thought in mind, I jogged out of my cabin, and headed towards the pavilion where Jason would most likely be having breakfast. As I got closer, I noticed his blond hair sitting at the Zeus table and nearly sprinted up to him.

"Jason! I need help." I practically screamed in his ear.

"With what? Learning how to lower your voice?" He asked with a smile on his face. As he took in my expression, his smile faded.

"Nico's missing." I let the sentence drop. Immediately, he stood up and grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the pavilion. Only when we were alone, did he begin pestering me with questions.

"When did he leave? Where did he go? When is he coming back?" His mouthing moving a mile a minute as he voiced his concerns. I glared at him, effectively shutting him up.

"If I knew the answer to those questions, I would be out of camp to go get him." I replied, sassily.

"Gods, they don't call you Persassy for nothing..." He muttered.

"What? Who call me that?" I asked, annoyed.

"Nobody." He said as he averted his eyes to avoid my gaze.

"Anyways, back on topic, I need your help." I stated.

"Okay, what's the plan?" He asked.

"I was thinking something along the lines of sneaking out, and looking for him..." I suggested. Jason stood in thought for a moment.

"Okay. I'm in." He smiled.

"That's it? I was expecting it to be harder to get you to come along."

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