Ch.3 Science Make-out session

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Hey, it's been a while... Oops... Sorry about that. I've been busy with school and stuff... anyways, here's the next chapter. :)


Nico P.O.V

I woke up to the sight of white walls. As my eyes travelled around the room, I noticed the many tools that one might find in a hospital. And that's when I knew. I was in the infirmary. How did I get here? More importantly, where did my shirt go?

I managed to pull my self onto my elbows, to get a better look around. I glanced out the window to see the early morning sun just beginning to rise. How long have I been unconscious? Just then, a voice shook me out of my thoughts.

"How are you feeling?" I whipped my head around to the door, only to be met by dizziness. I quickly closed my eyes to help ease the pain in my head.

"Hey! Are you okay?" The voice asked, much closer this time. I shakily stuck my hand out with a 'thumbs-up'.

"I'm not entirely sure that I believe you." The voice said, a smirk evident in the voice.

After the dizziness had passed, I opened my eyes to meet the most gorgeous boy I had ever laid my eyes on. Naturally, it was Percy. He gingerly sat on the end of my bed, and placed his hand on my leg.

"How are you really feeling?" He inquired.

"Fine, really. I'm completely fine. Now can I leave?"

"Not until Will Solace gives you the 'okay'." He explained. I grumbled in response.

"How long do you think that will be?" I asked, growing tired.

"Not sure. Do you want me to go find Will and ask him?" Percy asked.

"What? No! You don't have to do that." I answered, not meeting his eyes.

"Really, it's not that big of a deal..." Percy shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. I felt my eyes getting heavy, but I fought against the weariness, because I really didn't want this conversation to end. I mean, how often does this sort if thing happen to me? Sadly, Percy seemed to notice my tired eyes.

"If you're tired, you could always sleep." Percy said. I shook my head 'no', but I felt my eyes closing. The last thing I saw was Percy's gorgeous eyes.

Percy's P.O.V

I watched as Nico's eyes finally closed. He was so adorable when he was sleepy. Wait! Adorable? Ugh! Normal people didn't think like that. What's going on with me lately? It's almost like every time I see Nico, I feel different. Maybe it's just something about Nico. One of his strange powers... Yeah, that must be it...

I sat in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs beside Nico's bed, and decided to finally face my demons. If I wanted to start moving forward, I had to go back and deal with my past.


I sat in my living room, with my science textbook on my lap. Annabeth sat on the couch beside me, also accompanied by a textbook. The only difference was, that she understood what it said. She had just finished explaining isotopes to me, when she suddenly closed her book and set it down in the coffee table. She then pulled the ponytail out of her hair and shook her hair loose. That's when she leaned in and whispered in my ear.


"Wanna make out?"

I was too shocked to reply. Annabeth had never done this before. Hell, the farthest we had gone so far was a quick peck on the lips. I guess she took my lack of an answer for a 'yes'. She leaned in and started pressing her lips against mine. That's when I knew something was wrong. Instead of enjoying it, I was kind of disgusted. But why? Annabeth was the total package, with a great body and brains, so why couldn't I find it in me to kiss her back? I pulled away quickly, and grabbed my science textbook from the table. I muttered an apology as I ran to my room.

End of flashback

That was the day that my life fell apart. That was the day that I discovered that I was gay. I tried to ignore it for a while after that, but no matter what I did, I kept getting grossed out. So, I finally got the courage and broke it off with Annabeth. Thankfully, she understood. Ever since then, I felt freed. But not entirely. It was like someone opened up the cage, but I couldn't find the courage to walk away. The idea of being with a guy, still scares me. That's why I get nervous every time I get close to Nico. It's because I don't want him to see just how scared I am.


There you go! Chapter three is finished! :) sorry about the short chapter, my sister was begging me to go play video games with her... hope you all have a great Easter, if you celebrate it. :) -T

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