Ch.27 Too much dressing

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Percy's P.O.V

I finished up my delicious blue spaghetti and glanced over to the Hades table to see an unusual sight. Nico was smiling. And he looked so happy, it was easy to smile right back at him. Right now, I didn't have to worry about how people will react to the fact that I'm gay, I just have to look into Nico's eyes and be happy. That is why I liked Nico so much. With him, I didn't have to be Percy Jackson the hero, I just had to be Percy Jackson.

"Yo, Fish boy!" I turned my head to the entrance of the pavilion at the strange nick name. Of course it would be Leo...

"What's up?" I asked as he approached my table.

"Oh you know, nothing much... Except the fact that I'm going on a date tonight!" He screamed, while fist bumping the air.

"The Demeter girl asked you out for a second date? Didn't see that one coming..." I muttered the last bit.

"Why wouldn't she? On our first date I accidentally caught my nose on fire. She thought it was epic!" Leo's grin could wipe out a small village.

"That's kinda weird... But I'm happy for you. It's not everyday you find a girl like that."

"Yep, Emily's a keeper!" Leo shouted, as if he was informing the Gods on Olympus instead of me.

"Would you mind not breaking my eardrums next time?" I teased.

"Whatever. Oh, speaking of relationship, what's going on with you? Find anyone cute?" He winked. I felt my cheeks heat up again.

"Well, I have a date coming up soon..."

"What? Really? When? With who?" Leo's questions came faster than speeding bullets.

"Yeah, I'm taking Nico on a date either tonight or tomorrow." I felt my cheeks burn even brighter.

"Nico? I always thought he hated everyone." Leo's left eyebrow reached for the sky.

"Apparently he just hates me a little less than the rest of you." I smiled, still trying to get my cheeks back to their normal colour.

"How cute." Leo deadpanned.

"Shut up, I put up with your crazy antics, the least you could do is pretend to be excited for me." I teased.

"Just make sure you use protection!" He purposefully yelled as he sprinted away from my table. That little... I glanced up to see quite a few heads turned in my direction. My blush, that had almost gone completely, came back full force. I shoved the last bit of spaghetti into my mouth before walking towards Nico's table. I slid in next to him, careful not to bump the table.

"How was your dinner?" I asked, glancing down to his half-full plate of chicken Caesar salad.

"Too much dressing. How was your blue spaghetti?" He asked, pushing his plate away from himself. I decided not to bring up his eating habits yet.

"Delicious. Um, I had an idea while I was eating dinner, and I just want to run it by you."

Nico's smile dropped a little. "Sure, I guess..."

"Wanna go on that date with me... Tonight?" I asked, slightly nervous that he'll say no.

Nico's smile made a reappearance. "Of course! Sounds lovely."

"Lovely? I don't think I've ever heard you use that word." I loved to tease him.

"Shut up! Don't be jealous that I have a better vocabulary than you." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Oh yeah? If you're so smart, how do you spell gorgeous?" I taunted.

"That's easy! It's P-E-R-C-Y." He winked before standing up and starting to head out of the pavilion. As I caught up to him, it was impossible to keep the smile off my face. Even if I thought of that time I ran out of blue food colouring, the smile stayed fixed on my face. As I fell into step with him, I slipped my hand into his. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small smile on his face. What a cutie!

"Nico? Will you be ready if I come to pick you up in half an hour?" I asked.

"Half an hour isn't nearly enough time for me to pick out an outfit or do something with my hair!" Nico complained with a small smile on his face. I never pegged him as the type to actually take that much time to get ready. I just figured he threw on whatever was clean and dragged a brush through his hair. That's what I do...

"Okay, how about an hour?"

Nico burst out laughing. "I was joking! I can be ready in two minutes if you really want."

"Oh. You confuse me sometimes." I smiled.

"That's my job." He smirked.

"Okay, so I'll be at your cabin in half an hour, alright?"

Nico winked. "I'll be waiting."

"Whatever." I returned the wink before veering off in the direction of my cabin. It used to take me twenty minutes to get ready for a date when I was with Annabeth, but now that I felt more comfortable with myself, I simply changed my shirt and brushed my teeth. And that's how I ended up at Nico's door ten minutes later. I knocked, twice to be sure he heard me, before rocking back in forth on my heels trying to pass the time. A few seconds later, Nico opened the door with a shirt on, but instead of pants, he had a towel wrapped around his waist. Now that I looked closer, I noticed his shirt was inside out.

"Your idea of half an hour and mine are very different. But come in anyways, I still have to get changed." Nico stepped out of the way, granting me entrance. His cabin was so different compared to mine. Mine had dirty clothes hanging off almost every surface, while his was impeccably clean. He led me to his bed, before retreating to the bathroom. The clicking sound of a lock was heard before I stood up to investigate his room. I decided to start with the pictures on his dresser. The first one was of Bianca and him in a school yard. They were sitting side by side on the swings, with gigantic smiles on their faces. Back then Nico looked so happy and full of life. He's slowly starting to return to that state of happiness, but I know that losing someone causing scars. Especially with the way he lost his sister. That would definitely leave some pretty big scars. I took a deep breath before moving on to the other picture. This was was of me. It was from a few weeks ago, when my team had won capture the flag, and I had tripped just after getting the flag over to our side. I had mud and small sticks in my hair, and the goofiest smile on my face, but it was still a pretty good picture. I hadn't even notice Nico take it. I heard the sound of the tap turning on and quickly moved back onto the bed. Nico opened the door to the bathroom as my butt hit the mattress.

"Did you have fun waiting?" He smirked.

"Tons. Now can we go?" I asked, standing up.

"I just have to tie my shoes and we can leave." Nico explained as he tugged on his skull converse. I twiddled my thumbs, anxious to start out first ever date, as he finished making small bows with his laces.

"Ready?" I smiled.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life."


Chapter 27 is finished! Their date begins next chapter, and I'll try to keep the fluff to a bare minimum but you know how it always goes.

On another note, I wrote this on the airplane to Japan! I'm so excited for this trip, you guys don't even know! :D

I finished Blood of Olympus a little while ago, and boy did the feels hit hard! He didn't really kill anyone off which is nice. :D

By the way, whoever suggested that Leo's girlfriend be named Emily, I want to thank you so much! I think the name suits her personality perfectly! I can't remember who suggested it, but if you leave a comment saying that it was you, I'll try to find a way to thank you!

Thanks for all the votes and comments on last chapter, you guys never cease to amaze me!

-Tianne XD

Question: Do you ship Nico with Will solace?

If you do, I have a willco solangelo fanfic posted, with three chapters already up. :D my writing seems to be a bit better in that fanfic, but I'll try to make my writing better in this one too!

Bonus question: if you could have one magical weapon, what would you pick?

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