Ch.11 A Good Day

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I can't believe that this fanfic is almost to 2k reads!!! Wow! I am so happy right now! For some reason my iPod wont let me reply to comments, but I'd really like to thank @piercetheveilalways , @faith_01 , and @shehidesinhermind for their comments! I updated tonight just for you guys! :)


Percy's P.O.V

I clicked Riptide to change it into it's sword form, because it'd be pretty stupid to charge into a duel with a pen... The second that Riptide was fully changed, Leo began whipping some fireballs at my face. I quickly rolled to my left to avoid them. While I was on the ground I made a quick jab at Leo's legs to knock him off-balance. As he stumbled, I was able to get back on my feet. I got a small hit on Leo's chest as he regained his balance. In retaliation, Leo blasted a stream of fire at me, just barely catching my sword arm. I have to admit, that hurt! It was only a minor burn, but it still packed a punch! Leo continued to shoot balls of fire at me as I back-stepped, getting closer and closer to the edge of the circle. I knew I had to do something fast, otherwise I would end up outside the circle, which would result in a loss for me, and I wasn't about to let that happened. In between the balls of flame, I swiped my sword at his gadget in his mouth. I heard a 'gasp' from the audience as Leo's little gadget fell to the ground and smashed into a million tiny pieces. Now he looked mad! He made a motion as if he was building up energy, and just as he released a huge ball of fire, I doused him in a wave from the water fountain. After the wave crashed over him, he fell to the ground coughing up water. After a few seconds, he raised his hands in defeat. I immediately went over to make sure he was alright.

"You think you'll be alright?"

"Yeah... Just swallowed a bit of water." He grinned at me.

"That was a good match." I returned the smile.

"Yeah, every time I duel you, you seem to get even better! What gives?" Leo asked.

"Practice does wonders! You should try it sometime." I joked.

"I'll think about it." He smirked and then left to join his cabin mates in the audience. I decided to stick around for Nico's fight. As if I'd miss that! Sadly, there was still one more match before Nico got to duel Piper, so I'd have to watch that too. I sat down right beside Nico, as Will Solace entered the circle. I honestly couldn't tell you who he was fighting, because I was too busy studying Nico to pay attention. I couldn't help but smile when Nico's eyes lit up at the sight of something he found amusing. Apparently, I was missing quite a funny match.

By the time the match had ended, I had every detail of Nico's face memorized. The way he crinkled his nose when something he disliked happened, was really cool to watch. I never knew Nico was this interesting! The horn sounded letting us know that the next match would begin shortly. Nico slowly stood up, and began making his way to the circle. I watched as he entered the circle with his eyes glued to the floor. On the other hand, Piper waltzed in with a spring in her step, ready for the duel. Nico looked like he'd rather be in his cabin having a snooze. The horn sounded again, signifying the beginning of the match.

Nico's P.O.V

As the horn sounded, I raised my sword and my eyes and stared strait into Piper's eyes. She held my gaze for a few seconds before dropping her eyes. That gave me the confidence that I needed to begin fighting. I swung my sword catching her with the flat side just under her ribs. She stumbled to her left, as I stuck my blade out, flat side facing her, to catch her from falling over. This was going to be a fair fight, and I was taught that hitting someone when they were down was just not an attractive quality. When she regained her balance, I swung my sword at her legs but was forced to stop by her charmspeak. Fine, if she wanted to use powers, so would I! I pulled the shadows from around us and used them to shield myself. I could see out, and attack, but it was as if the world was out on silent mode. No charmspeak would work now that I couldn't hear it. I raised my sword as she raised her dagger, they met in the middle with what I assume was an awful noise, judging by the look on her face. I turned my sword, causing her dagger to clatter to the ground. She raised her hands in defeat, as I returned the shadows to their original position. I calmly walked out of the circle. I tried to portray the image that the battle didn't affect me, but controlling the shadows really took a lot out of me. I wanted to hang out with Percy right now, but I was too exhausted. I left the arena and went strait to my cabin. The second my head hit the pillow, I was out.

Percy's P.O.V

I watched as Nico left the arena. He looked exhausted, so I assume he was going to his cabin to sleep. I quickly said goodbye to Jason and Leo, and jogged out of the arena. In a few minutes, I found myself at the Hades. I knocked twice, only to be met with silence. He must be asleep already. I quietly opened the door and slipped inside. Sure enough, Nico was passed out in his bed. He looked so young and carefree when he slept. I couldn't help it, I had to get a little closer. Without thinking about it, I placed a kiss on his cheek. Oh my gods! I can't believe I just kissed his cheek! I quickly left his cabin and made my way to the beach. I mentally calmed myself down, as I approached my favorite spot on the beach. I was expecting to be alone, but I was met with the sight of my father.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm here for your answer." He said, giving me one of his confused looks. My answer? Oh right! I still haven't told him that I wasn't going to take his offer.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept." I looked down at my shoes.

"So you really like this 'Nico' boy?" He asked me.


"I only invited you, to see how much you liked this boy. I figured that if you accepted, then it wouldn't be anything serious, but if you didn't, then you must have strong feelings for him. I have already got someone else filling in for my assistant, but you are always welcome in my kingdom under the sea." He smiled.

"So, it was all a test?" I asked, still confused.

"Yes, and I want you to know that I fully support you, no matter who you love. After all, love is love, no matter what gender." He smiled and patted me on the back. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as I felt a few tears escape my eyes. He just stood their and hugged back, occasionally rubbing circles into my back. I always knew my Father loved me, but now I knew that he accepted me, and it was so relieving. I couldn't help but get emotional. The tears just kept coming, and it felt as if I was letting go of the restrictions that I placed. So what if I liked Nico? Why should I be ashamed of that? Nico was such a great guy, and I felt a special bond with him. I smiled at the thought of one day being in a relationship with Nico. The day that happened, would be one of the greatest of my life. I released my dad and smiled as we parted ways. I slowly walked to my cabin trying to grasp what had happened today. As I laid down, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Today truly had been a good day.


There you go! Chapter eleven is complete! I really want to say a huge thank you for reading this! Without you, this fanfic wouldn't be as much of a success. :P Question: what is your favorite band/song? If you can't choose, just comment your top three or four! :) -T

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